Ngày thứ tám, ngày sáng tạo mới

God created the heaven and the earth and all the host in six days and God rested on the seventh day of all His works. God called the things which were not as though they were. When God finished the creation, everything was good. Đúng, very good. Until the creation became affected by evil and the creation of man was no longer perfect. Vì thế, a recreation of man had to take place. That recreation of man took place on the eighth day, ngày sáng tạo mới.

The perfect creation of man became affected by evil

Everything was good and perfect until Adam, the son of God, became disobedient to the commandment of God and sinned. Because of man’s rebellion (tội), the perfect creation (the crown of God’s creation) changed and became affected by evil. The death entered. Kết quả là, the spirit of man died and came under the authority of death and the flesh began to rule (Sáng Thế Ký 3, Luke 3:38).

Because death entered man, everyone, ai sẽ được sinh ra từ hạt giống của con người, would die.

Ta sẽ đặt mối thù giữa ngươi và người phụ nữ, giữa hạt giống của bạn và hạt giống của cô ấy

Man was not equal to the image of El Elohim (God the Father, Jesus the Son and the Word, và Chúa Thánh Thần) anymore. But man had become equal to the fallen archangel Lucifer, the devil and adversary of God.

Although fallen man had knowledge of good and evil, due to his disobedience, fallen man had the nature of the devil (fallen archangel Lucifer).

The final destination of fallen man would be the same as his (fallen) father, Ác quỷ, namely hell. (Đọc thêm: Kinh Thánh nói gì về sự bất tuân với Chúa?).

Tuy nhiên, God gave a promise of restoration to man, by telling the serpent that He would put enmity between him and the woman, and between his seed and her seed. And that this Seed would bruise his head.

That Seed came indeed: Chúa Giêsu Kitô, who bruised the devil’s head and took his authority. (Đọc thêm: What does it mean the head of the devil bruised because the heel of Jesus was bruised?) .

Jesus had to die as a sinner to enter hell legally

To bruise the devil’s head, Jesus had to enter hell legally to conquer death and to take back all authority from the devil, cái chết, và địa ngục. There was only one legitimate way to enter hell, and that was, to die as a sinner.

Jesus was without sin, but Jesus took the place of sinners and became the Substitute for the whole fallen human race.

When Jesus was crucified, the Father laid the sins and iniquities of the world upon Him, whereby Jesus was made sin. When Jesus died He entered hell. Jesus stayed in hell for three days (Đọc thêm: Chúa Giêsu đã làm gì trong địa ngục?).

After three days, Jesus rose as Victor from the dead. Jesus had conquered the devil, cái chết, và địa ngục. He had taken back the authority, the keys, which the devil had stolen from Adam, legitimately.

All this happened on the eighth day, the day of the new creation.

Ngày thứ tám; ngày sáng tạo mới

When Jesus rose from the dead on the eighth day, the promise of God of the restoration of creation was fulfilled and the old creation formally ended. The eighth day was the day of the new creation, of which Jesus was the Firstborn.

Jesus came to the earth as the Firstborn of the new creation; born of the Spirit in the flesh. And Jesus rose from the dead as the Firstling of the new creation on the eighth day.

A new creation was created on the eighth day. And through Jesusdeath and resurrection from the dead, many new creations would follow, who through the circumcision in Christ had become a new creation; a son of God (this applies to both males and females). (Đọc thêm: Phép cắt bao quy đầu trong Chúa Giêsu Kitô có ý nghĩa gì?).

What was disrupted in creation was restored (healed) through Christ. Therefore God could enter His rest on the eighth day.

Everyone has the ability to become a new creation

Adam was perfectly created until he rebelled against God and sinned and sin and death entered and reigned in him. Through his act of disobedience to God, Adam fell from his position and lost his dominion on earth to the devil and his relationship with God was broken. But Jesus restored it all through the cross, by His blood and His resurrection from the dead.

The whole of humanity is born of the seed of Adam and is born as a sinner and needs redemption. Jesus is the only Healer. He is the only Way to God and eternal life. (Đọc thêm: Có phải chỉ có một con đường dẫn đến cuộc sống vĩnh cửu?) .

Everyone has a choice to either remain the old creation (ông già) and live in a fallen state and walk after the will, ham muốn, and desires of the flesh in disobedience to God in sin. Or to become a new creation (người mới) by faith and regeneration in Christ, and live from the new position in Christ and walk after the Spirit in obedience to God and His Word in His will.

The new creation is made complete in Christ

Wherefore henceforth know we no man after the flesh: vâng, though we have known Christ after the flesh, yet now henceforth know we Him no more. Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; hãy chứng kiến, all things are become new (2 Cô-rinh-tô 5:16-17)

God sent His Son, to become the Firstling of the new creation. Since the whole creation is created by the Word. Jesus is our example.

new creation in Jesus Christ

Jesus showed us, how to walk as a son of God (this applies to both males and females) on earth. (Đọc thêm: The whole creation is created in Jesus Christ).

This new creation, who is created in Christ, is a new creation of God, and is transferred from the darkness into the Kingdom of Jesus Christ.

The new creation is restored (healed) in his position and reconciled with God. Therefore the new creation is perfect and made complete in Him (Ê-phê-sô 1, Cô-lô-se 1; 2:10). 

There is no other way to be reconciled with God. There is no other way to enter the Kingdom of God than by becoming the new creation.

Jesus told Nicodemus, that he could only see and enter the Kingdom of God by becoming born again by waterSpirit (John 3).

Jesus reconciled man back to God

Vì trong Chúa Giêsu Kitô, phép cắt bì chẳng có ích gì, cũng không cắt bao quy đầu, nhưng một sinh vật mới. Và càng nhiều người đi theo quy tắc này, bình an cho họ, và lòng thương xót, và trên Israel của Thiên Chúa (người Ga-la-ti 6:15-16)

If you are born again in Christ and have become a new creation, you should also live as the new creation.

by one man's disobedience many were made sinners

You shall seek those things which are above and not on the earth.

You shall feed your spirit and renew your mind with the word of God (by reading and studying the Bible) and pray and submit to Christ; Lời.

If you don’t do this, and you keep feeding your flesh with the things of this world, your flesh shall keep reigning in your life and dictating you what to do.

Instead of putting off the works of the flesh by the power of the Holy Spirit, you shall keep walking in disobedience to God and persevere in sin. (Đọc thêm: Hãy để tội lỗi không còn ngự trị trong cuộc đời bạn nữa!)

The thing you feed shall become strong in you. But you have to make a choice, whether to feed the spirit and bear the fruit of the Spirit or to feed the flesh and bear the fruit of death, which is sin.

The Spirit and the flesh can’t reign together. Because the Spirit always strives against the flesh. One has to die.

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