What is the grace of God?

The love and the grace of God is so great, He loves people so much. He only wants the best for them and have a relationship with them. God wanted this so much, that He sent His only Son Jesus Christ, to this earth, to become a sacrifice for mankind. Jesus took all the sins, iniquities, diseases and sicknesses from mankind, upon Himself. He died for us, so that we would be freed from sin, and be united with the Father.

Car Dieu a tant aimé le monde, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish, mais ayez la vie éternelle (Jn 3:16)

La grace de Dieu

Jesus carried our punishment; the death and the eternal torture in hell. Jesus took it all upon Himself, so that we would be freed from sin and iniquity, and from death. Par son sang, we are reconciled with the Father and have the ability to have a relationship with Him, and live in freedom on this earth.

What a love is that!! What a grace of God!

Sons of God

And salvation is not all, that He has done. Non! He gave us His Holy Spirit, so that we could live on earth as sons of God. Cela signifie, that we can live a life that Jesus lived, because what He had, we have. The life as a son or daughter of God is for now, and not after we die, and enter heaven.

The inheritance of the sons of God

La grace de Dieu, is that we are not justified by our own works, but by the work of Jesus Christ. We are saved by faith in Jesus Christ.

Being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him. For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life (ROM 5:9-10)It's all by grace

For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast (Eph 2:8-9)

We could never earn our salvation by works, no way! It is only by the grace of God, that in Jesus Christ, we may become partakers of the inheritance, that God has given us, through His Son Jesus Christ.

The inheritance is the gift of the Holy Spirit; the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. We may walk in these spiritual gifts and distribute life to others.

A relationship with the Father

The grace of God is, that we may have a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. What a blessing it is, to be and walk in His presence. There is nothing we can do to earn this, no works will get us there, the only thing we have to do is believe in Jesus Christ.

We have received it freely. How great is God’s love!

Is it allowed to keep walking in sin?

But now comes the essential point: “are we allowed to keep walking in sin after we get born again? Can we walk like we used to walk, before we accepted Jesus as our Saviour and Lord?”

The answer is ofcourse: Non! Because what have you repented from? If you don’t turn your back to it, but keep walking in it?

grace may abound, wink an eyeWhen you meet Jesus Christ, His presence, and His holiness will confront you with your filthy, sinful life/nature. In the Light of God, you see your sinful nature.

When you are confronted with your sins, you will have to options: you mourn, you repent and accept Jesus as your Lord an Saviour, or you walk away and keep living in sin.

When you choose the first option, repent from your sins, and accept Him, as your Saviour and Lord, then by His blood, that was shed on the cross at Calvary, you will be cleansed of all your iniquities and all of your sins. Dès ce moment-là your old life is gone and washed away by the blood of Jesus. You get baptised in water and by the baptism with the Holy Spirit you become une nouvelle création.

The power of the blood

Donc si quelqu'un est en Christ, c'est une nouvelle créature: les vieilles choses sont décédées; voir, toutes choses sont devenues nouvelles (2 Cor 5:17)

Isn’t that wonderful: all the old things are passed away and all things devenir nouveau. That is the power of cross and the blood of Jesus.

serviteur du péchéBut when you go back to your old sinful life again, as you lived before you accepted Jesus, then you will deny the power of His blood and therefore also deny Jesus Christ.

When you are taught in the Word of God and study the Word of God and keep on walking in sin; still doing the things that you did, before you became a Christian, and use ‘the graceas some kind of approval to sin (because you don’t want to give up your ‘old’ life), then you deceive yourself.

The devil is a liar, and he has twisted the meaning of grace.

If you keep on walking in sin and say it’s ok, and use the grace of God to keep on sinning, that only means one thing; you don’t want to die to self, and you are pas really born again.

You maybe think you are, but your actions prove that you are not born again. You still listen to your old father the devil, by walking in sins.

You are holy and righteous, therefore act that way

Quand tu nais de nouveau, tu deviens fils de Dieu; une nouvelle création. En tant que fils de Dieu, you have His nature dwelling inside of you and have become holy and righteous.

You are assis en Jésus-Christ. Your life is hidden in Him; you have become one with Him, and now it’s up to you if you want to stay in Him. If you stay in Him; la Parole de Dieu, you will automatically walk in His commandments. You will do His will, and not yours. When you walk in His will, you will walk in holiness and righteousness.

“Be holy, for I am holy”.

How can you become one with Him and become a partaker of His nature, when you keep obeying and serving the devil, by walking in sins? C'est impossible! You can either do the will of the Father, and walk in His commandments, or do the will of the devil, keep walking in sins and iniquities; fulfilling the lusts and desires of the flesh.

Do you know that every time you sin, you serve and exalt the devil?

What is sin?

Sin is everything, that goes against the will of God, and therefore trespasses His commandments.

Paul wrote in Roman 6:1-23 the following;

Que dirons-nous alors? Devons-nous continuer dans le péché, que la grâce puisse abonder? Dieu pardonne. Comment allons-nous, qui sont morts au péché, y vivre plus longtemps? Tu ne sais pas, that so many of us as were baptised into Jesus Christ were baptised into his death? C'est pourquoi nous sommes enterrés avec lui par le baptême dans la mort: que comme Christ a été ressuscité des morts par la gloire du Père, même ainsi, nous devrions aussi marcher en nouveauté de vie. Car si nous avons été plantés ensemble à l'image de sa mort, we shall be also in the likenessof his resurrection: Sachant cela, que notre vieux est crucifié avec lui, afin que le corps du péché soit détruit, que désormais nous ne devons plus servir le péché. Car celui qui est mort est libéré du péché.

Maintenant, si nous sommes morts avec Christ, nous croyons que nous vivrons aussi avec lui: Sachant que Christ ressuscité des morts ne meurt plus; la mort n'a plus de domination sur lui. Car c'est en cela qu'il est mort, il est mort au péché une fois: mais en cela il vit, il vit pour Dieu. De même, vous considérez vous-mêmes comme morts au péché., mais vivant pour Dieu par Jésus-Christ notre Seigneur.

“Ne laissez donc pas le péché régner dans votre corps mortel”

Ne laissez donc pas le péché régner dans votre corps mortel, afin que vous lui obéissiez dans ses convoitises. Ne livrez pas non plus vos membres au péché comme instruments d’injustice.: mais abandonnez-vous à Dieu, comme ceux qui sont vivants d'entre les morts, et vos membres comme instruments de justice pour Dieu. Car le péché ne dominera pas sur toi: car vous n'êtes pas sous la loi, mais sous la grâce.

Shall we sin, parce que nous ne sommes pas sous la loi, mais sous la grâce?
Dieu pardonne”

Quoi alors? Shall we sin, parce que nous ne sommes pas sous la loi, mais sous la grâce? Dieu pardonne. Tu ne sais pas, celui à qui vous vous livrez comme serviteurs pour obéir, vous êtes ses serviteurs à qui vous obéissez; que ce soit du péché jusqu'à la mort, ou d'obéissance à la justice? Mais Dieu soit remercié, que vous étiez les serviteurs du péché, mais vous avez obéi de tout cœur à cette forme de doctrine qui vous a été transmise.

Être alors libéré du péché, vous êtes devenus les serviteurs de la justice. Je parle à la manière des hommes à cause de l'infirmité de ta chair: car comme vous avez livré vos membres, serviteurs à l'impureté et à l'iniquité, à l'iniquité; de même maintenant, livrez vos membres serviteurs à la justice et à la sainteté.. Car quand vous étiez les serviteurs du péché, vous étiez libres de la justice.

The wages of sin is death

Quel fruit aviez-vous alors dans ces choses dont vous avez maintenant honte? For the end of those things is death. Mais maintenant, étant libéré du péché, et devenez les serviteurs de Dieu, vous avez votre fruit pour la sainteté, et la fin de la vie éternelle.

Car le salaire du péché, c'est la mort; mais le don de Dieu c'est la vie éternelle par Jésus-Christ notre Seigneur.

The grace of God is not a license to sin

The grace of God is not a license to keep on sinning. Non, when you get to know the Word, you will turn your back to sin, and do what pleases Him.

The grace of God is the unending love of the Father, that through Jesus Christ, you may become a partaker of the inheritance for His people. His grace is the ability and the privilege to become sons and daughters of the most High God, by faith in Jesus Christ and by the Holy Spirit.

La grace de Dieu, is the sanctification period. It is the time He gives in to remove the old man, et mettre le nouvel homme. So that you will walk in the dominion, that Jesus walked in here on earth. You will walk as Jesus walked, and destroy the works of the devil. You will free those who are bound, oppressed and taken captive by the devil. You will heal those who are sick. You will no longer walk after the flesh, but after the Spirit in wisdom and knowledge. Maintenant, that is grace!

Therefore separate yourself, and live like Jesus lived. Renew your mind with the word of God and be courageous. Don’t let anyone discourage you. Continue to go on, even when people around you think you are a fool.

Keep your eyes upon Him; Jésus Christ, la Parole de Dieu. He is the One you need to follow!

'Soyez le sel de la terre’

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