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O perigo de..

Qual é o perigo espiritual das artes marciais

Qual é o perigo das artes marciais?

Muitas pessoas, incluindo cristãos, practice martial arts. Everyone has their own reason to practice martial arts. Some practice martial arts for health benefits, physical exercise, self-defense, self-confidence, self-discipline, self-control, self-esteem, behavioral problems, police and military purposes, spiritual development, etc.…

perigo do Halloween

Qual é o perigo do Halloween?

Tem muitas pessoas, who celebrate Halloween on October 31, because Halloween is part of their culture. They participate in Halloween activities and decorate their homes with Halloween decorations and the children put on costumes and go trick-and-treating. Mas…

Perigo dos livros infantis

Qual é o perigo dos livros infantis?

Do children’s books have indeed such a positive influence on the development and life of a child, as claimed? Many people consider children’s books harmless, beneficial, and educational, mas isso é verdade? Infelizmente, this rule doesn’t apply to all children’s

perigo da acupuntura

Qual é o perigo da acupuntura?

Existem milhões de pessoas, que visitam um acupunturista e participam de acupuntura. De acordo com o mundo ocidental, O tratamento com acupuntura é uma forma de tratamento médico alternativo. It happens regularly that physicians, fisioterapeutas, and psychologists refer people to an

O perigo da corrida das cores

Qual é o perigo da corrida colorida?

What is the color run? The color run is a paint race, which was founded in 2012 and has become a worldwide success. Every year, the color run is organized in all the big cities around the world. What

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