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The danger of..

Жекпе-жек өнерінің рухани қауіптілігі қандай

Жауынгерлік өнердің қауіптілігі қандай?

Көп адам, including Christians, practice martial arts. Everyone has their own reason to practice martial arts. Some practice martial arts for health benefits, физикалық жаттығулар, self-defense, self-confidence, self-discipline, self-control, self-esteem, behavioral problems, police and military purposes, spiritual development, т.б.…

danger of Halloween

What is the danger of Halloween?

Көптеген адамдар бар, who celebrate Halloween on October 31, because Halloween is part of their culture. They participate in Halloween activities and decorate their homes with Halloween decorations and the children put on costumes and go trick-and-treating. But

акупунктура қаупі

Акупунктураның қауіптілігі қандай?

There are millions of people, who visit an acupuncturist and participate in acupuncture. According to the western world, acupuncture treatment is a way of alternative medical treatment. It happens regularly that physicians, physical therapists, and psychologists refer people to an

қате: Бұл мазмұн қорғалған