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आत्माहरु संग संचार

two ways to enter the spiritual realm

What are the two ways to enter the spiritual realm?

In the previous blog posts, you read about the new age in the church and how the church has become an occult church. Maybe after reading these blog posts, you wonder what the difference is between born again Christians and

परामर्श आत्मा को खतरा

परामर्श आत्माहरूको खतरा के हो?

परामर्श आत्माहरू एक प्रसिद्ध घटना हो, तर धेरै पटक मानिसहरू परामर्श आत्माहरूको खतरा बारे सचेत हुँदैनन्. त्यहाँ धेरै मानिसहरू छन्, जसले विभिन्न कारणका लागि आत्माहरूसँग परामर्श लिन्छ. They are curious about their future or want to gain

त्रुटि: यो सामग्री सुरक्षित छ