How to see the Kingdom of God?

Do you have to be born again to walk in the supernatural? No, a person doesn’t have to be born again to walk in the supernatural and receive dreams and vision, predict the future, and do signs and wonders. Because the carnal man can also do all these supernatural things from the flesh from the kingdom of darkness. Look at occultists, like fortunetellers, astrologers, witches, magicians, sorcerers, necromancers, alternative healers, etc. But you have to be born again to see the Kingdom of God. Because without regeneration you are not able to see the Kingdom of God. And if you can’t see the Kingdom of God, how can you represent, preach, and bring the Kingdom of God to the people?.

John the Baptist spoke about the coming of the Kingdom of heaven

In those days came John the Baptist, preaching in the wilderness of Judaea, And saying, Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand (Matha 3:1-2)

The Kingdom of God came to the earth and was manifested by the coming of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. But before Jesus came to the earth, God had appointed someone to prepare the way for Jesus Christ. The messenger, whom God had appointed to prepare the way for Jesus Christ was John the Baptist.

John the baptistJohn the Baptist grew up in the wilderness and was taught by God. When God’s time had come John witnessed about the coming of the Kingdom of heaven on earth, through the coming of Jesus Christ.

Although the people of God thought they were saved, in reality, they were not.

Because if God’s people would be saved, then God did not have to send John the Baptist to His people to preach the message of repentance.

But God had sent John the Baptist to His people to prepare the way for the Christ and to preach the message of repentance.

John said: “repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand” (Matha 3:1-2, Marcáil 1:1-5, Luke 3:1-18 Léigh freisin: John the Baptist, the man who didn’t bow)

Jesus brought the Kingdom of God to God’s people

I must preach the kingdom of God to other cities also: for therefore am I sent. And He preached in the synagogues of Galilee (Luke 4:43-44)

Although John testified and spoke about the coming of the Kingdom and called the people to repentance, Jesus preached about the Kingdom of God and made the Kingdom of God known to God’s people.

I have given them Your wordAlthough Jesus lived on earth, Jesus didn’t walk after the flesh in the kingdom of darkness according to the will of the ruler of the world; an diabhal. But Jesus walked after the Spirit in the Kingdom of God according to the will of God.

Jesus not only made the Kingdom of God known by the people through His words, but Jesus also revealed the Kingdom of God by His actions and the signs and wonders that followed Him.

Since the people of God belonged to the generation of the old carnal man they were not able to see the Kingdom of God nor comprehend the Kingdom. Therefore Jesus used examples from everyday life, which are also called parables, to reveal the Kingdom of God to the people.

The generation of the old man was not able to see the Kingdom of God nor comprehend the Kingdom of God unless God revealed the truth of the Kingdom to the people (Matha 16:17)

Without regeneration, you can’t see the Kingdom of God

The people were carnal and therefore some thought that Jesus was John the Baptist, some thought that Jesus was Elijah and others thought that Jesus was Jeremiah or one of the prophets (Matha 16:13-17). Even Nicodemus, who was a Pharisee, a teacher of the people, who knew the scriptures very well, didn’t saw Jesus as the Christ, the Son of the living God, but as a Teacher, who was sent by God.

When Nicodemus came to Jesus and said, that He was a teacher, who was sent by God, Jesus answered Nicodemus and said: “Unless a person is born again, he cannot see the Kingdom of God”.

Rómhánaigh 8:7 Carnal mind is enmity against God it is not subject to the law of God

No person of feoil agus fuil, who is not born again and doesn’t exist of water and Spirit, is able to see and comprehend the Kingdom of God.

There was even a moment in the life of John the Baptist, while he was in prison and heard about the works of Christ, that he doubted if Jesus was the Christ. Therefore John sent two of his disciples to ask Jesus if He was the Christ or that they had to expect someone else (Matha 11:1-6).

The Kingdom of God is a spiritual Kingdom of heaven and diametrically opposes the kingdom of darkness, which is the kingdom of the world.

A carnal man of flesh and blood is not able to see, comprehend nor understand the things of God and His righteousness and shall be foolishness to him.

The carnal man considers the commandments of God and the things of the Kingdom of God as a yoke and a heavy burden and therefore the carnal man rejects them.

Only material blessings and prosperity in this world are welcome in the life of the carnal man, but the carnal man isn’t interested in the rest of the gospel.

The law of God is a yoke for the flesh

Those, who belong to the generation of the old carnal man consider the commandments of God as a yoke and heavy burden and don’t see the benefit of them. This shouldn’t be surprising, since the righteousness of God goes against the will of the flesh

They don’t consider the law of God as freedom, but as bondage. And because they don’t want to live in bondage but want to live in freedom and make their own decisions, they reject them.

.As long as the old man is not born again the nature of the devil shall reign in the flesh and the person shall live in rebellion against God and His Word and obey the will of the flesh and keep doing those things, which pleases the flesh but go against the will of God and are an abomination to God.

The old man is blinded in his mind and walks in darkness

As long as people belong to the generation of the old man, they shall stay ignorant. They shall be blinded in their carnal mind and shall walk in darkness and therefore they shall not see the righteousness of God and shall not understand His words and commandments.

The Bible shall be a closed Book to them, full of foolishness, and difficult to understand, and no longer fits in today’s world.

They shall only understand carnal knowledge and the wisdom of this world and listen to it, but they shall reject the knowledge and wisdom of God. Since the wisdom and knowledge don’t correspond with the will of their flesh, but condemns the flesh.

And so many people walk in ignorance in darkness and are led by science and the lies and power of the kingdom of darkness.

Repentance through the revelation of Christ and the conviction of sin

But when a person is confronted with the righteousness and holiness of God and convicted of his sin nature by hearing the Word and by the power of the Holy Spirit and by faith in Jesus Christ repent of his/her sinful works and be baptized in water and receive the baptism with the Holy Spirit, the person shall leave the kingdom of darkness by dying to the flesh and see and enter the Kingdom of God through the resurrection of the spirit from the dead by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Through regeneration, the person has become a new creation, a son of God, and has received God’s nature. Because of this spiritual transformation, the person shall consider those things, which (s)he always has considered as normal and good, no longer consider as normal and good

See the Kingdom of God through regeneration

And when He was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, The kingdom of God cometh not with observation: Neither shall they say, Lo here! nó, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you (Luke 17:20-21)

Through the circumcision in Jesus Christ, a person shall see the Kingdom of God, where God’s will reigns.

Holy Spirit reproves the worldThe new man, who is born of the Spirit shall understand and comprehend His commandments, which represent His will, through the Holy Spirit and shall hate the works of unrighteousness, which are sin, just like God. Because the Spirit of God abides in the person instead of the spirit of the world.

The Holy Spirit testifies of Jesus Christ and speaks what Jesus is telling Him and represents the Kingdom of God. Because of that, Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God abides in the new man.

But as long as a person is not born again (s)he shall consider Jesus as a Humanist, who did good works or just like Nicodemus and the other people, as a Teacher, or Prophet, who was sent by God. Instead of seeing Jesus as the Christ and Son of the living God.

As long as someone is not born again, (s)he shall never submit to the words and commandments of God, which are the same words and commandments as Jesus Christ and represent the will of God. Instead (s)he shall rebel against God’s words and His commandments since the will of God diametrically opposes the will of the flesh (Léigh freisin: ‘Are the commandments of God still valid?andThe commandments of God vs the commandments of Jesus)

How can you preach the Kingdom of God if you can’t see the Kingdom of God?

Dá bhrí sin regeneration is a necessity because without regeneration a person can’t see the Kingdom of God. And how can you represent, preach, and bring the gospel of Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God to the people, which is a commandment to every believer, if you can’t see the Kingdom? That’s right, you can’t!

And because many people are not truly born again, but remain the old carnal man, because they are not willing to lay down their flesh, they don’t preach the Kingdom of God but they preach a manmade gospel with all kinds of worldly carnal methods and technics that are focused upon the carnal man, but in reality, is not a gospel at all.

This manmade gospel doesn’t lead to salvation, holy lives, and eternal life, by putting off the flesh of the old man, but by feeding and strengthening the flesh of the old carnal man, this manmade gospel leads to apostasy and bondage and eternal death.

Only when you have a personal encounter with the living Jesus Christ, the Son of God and the Savior of fallen man, and by faith in Him repent of your sins and become born again, whereby your sinful nature in which death reigns dies and you arise in newness of life with your new nature and live from God’s nature then you shall not only see the Kingdom of God, but the Kingdom of God shall be in you and you shall represent, preach and bring the Kingdom of God to those, who wander in darkness, searching for the way, the truth and the life and because of you find Jesus Christ.

‘Bí salann an domhain’

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