New age in the church?

Today’s world is full of new age. It’s all about love, peace, harmony, freedom, respect, and tolerance. There is an enormous curiosity and interest in the supernatural realm aka the occult. Horoscopes, astrology, divination, tarot cards, using mirrors to look into the spiritual realm, consulting spirits, witchcraft, Wicca, sorcery, yoga, meditation, alternative medicine, reconnective healing (reconnection), Reiki, Qigong, martial arts, playinggames and watching horrors and programs, series and movies that are full of sex, violence, and occultism is all part of today’s world. Because of the fact, that many Christians are carnal and live like the world, Christians have allowed the spirit of the world, including the new age spirit that is responsible for a new age mindset and new age teachings and lifestyle, not only into their lives but also into the church. The spirit of new age has infiltrated the church. As a result, the church has become defiled by the new age movement and the spirit of new age has affected many lives. What is the history of new age? What is the purpose of the new age movement? How do you recognize new age in the church? What are new age teachings in the church that contract the Bible? What’s a new age church?

The new age church

The new age movement has infiltrated many churches. Many churches have become new age churches, where love rules and everything is allowed and approved. The people have developed their own faith and created their own belief system, which is founded upon supernatural experiences and personal revelations. They use methods and technics of Eastern religions, philosophies, and witchcraft to tap into the supernatural realm (Read also: ‘Can you separate the spiritual from Eastern religions and philosophies and practices?).

The occult church

The church of Jesus Christ should have guarded the spiritual gates of the church and prevented these evil spirits, forces, powers, and rulers of darkness to enter (Read also: ‘What does it mean the gates of hell shall not prevail against My Church?’).

Instead, the church has opened her spiritual gates to the power of darkness and welcomed the new age spirit into the church.

As a result, the church has become an occult church and is controlled by a new age spirit that derives from the kingdom of darkness.

The occult church is carnal and led by her senses, feelings, emotions, findings, supernatural experiences, and revelations and moves in the spiritual occult realm out of the flesh.

Instead of spending time in the Word, seeking God’s will, the occult church seeks supernatural powers and supernatural manifestations, and personal revelations for guidance.

The new age in the church has caused the people to approve of what God has forbidden in His Word and reject what God has commanded in His Word to do or use it for self-exaltation (Read also: ‘Can you separate the spiritual from Eastern philosophies and its practices?andA technical faith).

The history of the new age movement

The new age movement is a vague and complex movement and doesn’t have a clear structure. That’s mainly because the new age movement has many gurus and groups that have their own belief systems.

In the new age, it’s all about love and feelings, emotions, and supernatural powers and manifestations that become visible in the natural realm.

The history is vague, but one thing is for sure and that’s that the philosophy of this world has its roots in the occult and goes all the way back to Babylon.

In the Old Testament of the Bible, we already read about the occult and that the Jewish people deviated from God and moved into the occult. They had allowed pagan cultures in their country and became involved with them and adopted their religions, customs, and rituals (i.e. Isaiah 47 and 2 Kings 2:21).

What is the Aquarius age?

The new age movement refers to the Aquarius age. What is the Aquarius age? The Aquarius age is an age of enlightenment, peace, prosperity, humanism, love, satisfaction, and change. The new age is the most used name to indicate the increasing mixture of the Eastern and occult mystic in the western world.

In the ’60s, the new age movement became more visible in the western world. Today we see that western society, including many churches, is full of new age.

The new age movement has its roots in occultism and originally derives from Eastern religions, philosophies, and spirituality.

Danger of meditation

Occultism means hidden or secret and refers to the knowledge of the paranormal and supernatural realm.

The term is also used for occult practices, like astrology, alchemy, Kabbala, Neoplatonism, Gnosticism, Hermeticism, numerology, witchcraft, crystal gazing, necromancy (communicating and consulting death, spirits, and demons for help or protection), magic, divination (with or without tarot cards), palm reading, astral projection (when the soul (astral body) leaves the body and travels in earthly and astral dimensions), psychometric, channeling shamanism, reconnective healing, meditation, yoga, martial arts, nature worship, rhythmic breathing, (tantric) visualizing, etc. which are all cursed by God.

These pagan practices are the works of the carnal old man, who is unspiritual and led by his sinful nature. Therefore, we can find God’s opinion about these pagan practices in the Old Testament.

Through the lawGod made His will known to His chosen people, who were carnal. God wanted to protect His people and prevent them from being influenced by the customs, practices, and rituals of pagan nations, that used satanic powers.

Regard not them that have familiar spirits, neither seek after wizards, to be defiled by them: I am the Lord your God (Leviticus 19:31)

And the soul that turneth after such as have familiar spirits, and after wizards, to go a whoring after them, I will even set my face against that soul, and will cut him off from among his people. (Leviticus 20:6)

When thou art come into the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee, thou shalt not learn to do after the abominations of those nations. There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch, Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer. For all that do these things are an abomination unto the Lord: and because of these abominations the Lord thy God doth drive them out from before thee (Deuteronomy 18:9-12)

And he (Manasse) made his son pass through the fire, and observed times, and used enchantments, and dealt with familiar spirits and wizards: he wrought much wickedness in the sight of the Lord, to provoke Him to anger (2 Kings 21:6, 2 Chronicles 33:6)

The occult uses satanic power that works and manifests in the flesh; senses, mind, feelings, emotions, body, etc. and has nothing to do with the Kingdom of God, the power of God, мөн Ариун Сүнс.

What is the purpose of the new age movement?

What’s the purpose of the new age movement? The new age movement wants to control the whole world; politically, economically, and spiritually. Therefore throughout the years, new agers have infiltrated all these areas, so that they can influence the people and eventually take over the world and become one new world order, with one world culture.

In politics, by the new world order with one ruler (antichrist), who has a clear purpose and agenda. Economically, by one world bank with one currency. Spiritually, by one faith and one world church. Their main focus point is to strive for unity and one world culture and religion.

The new age theology

The new age has a holistic form of godliness that is immersed in the whole universe, including people. There is a strong focal point on the godliness and spiritual authority of the ‘self’ of people (the ego) and the power that people possess. That’s why they consider themselves as god and the center of all things.

They don’t consider god as a person, but as universal energy or power that is everywhere and presented in all things. God is considered a spiritual pyramid, which you also see in the pyramid constructions in Egypt, Mexico, Lima, Cambodia, etc. The cultures of these countries moved into the occult, and still move into the occult. The pyramid is still used as an occult symbol on banknotes, by companies, the music and entertainment industry, social media, etc. The pyramid symbol is even used in churches.

The new age movement considers the devil not as a spiritual being; a fallen angel, but as a negative force. This negative force also fills the universe and is one with the universe. That’s why they consider evil powers as a part of god because god is the energy of the universe.

will of God vs will of the devil

The new age movement believes in spiritual (ungodly) enlightened creatures, like angels, sages, and spirits, who communicate with people by channeling and providing them information, wisdom, and knowledge about life, people, the past, etc.

In order to open themselves to the paranormal realm and become in a state of enlightenment, new agers make use of natural practices, technics, and methods like meditation, yoga, sounds, music, dance, and objects like candles, tarot cards, crystals, crystal bowl, gems, mirrors, flags, etc. (Read also: ‘The danger of meditationandThe danger of yoga)

The new age movement is led by gurus and different groups that have many followers.

New Agers believe, among others, in evolution theory, reincarnation, sexual freedom and acceptance of all kinds of sexual orientations, and freedom; lawlessness.

The new age movement doesn’t have an unambiguous structure but maintains all kinds of structures. There is not one way, but there are many ways, that lead to salvation and enlightenment.

There is not one way, one religion, one philosophy, and one truth. Therefore you should respect, tolerate and accept each other’s decisions, opinions, religions, and philosophies and let everyone lead their own lives and have their own belief system. Because only by doing that, you can strive for unity and walk in love.

Everyone needs spirituality instead of religion

The new age movement believes that everyone needs spirituality instead of religion.

New Agers believe and wait for avatars; godly creatures, who are reincarnated in humans and are revealers of the truth. For example Buddha, Confucius, Krishna, etc.

The final avatar, who shall come is Lord Maitreya; the cosmic Christ and world teacher, who is a reincarnation of Buddha (the enlightened one) and will be the savior of mankind.

The new age movement doesn’t believe in sin, judgment, and hell. Due to the fact, that new agers don’t believe in sin, they don’t believe that they can be separated from god (the universal energy). They believe that people can only become separated from god (the universal energy) in their own minds.

A new age Jesus

The new age Jesus is considered a messenger of god (the universal energy or power) and not the Son of God. The new agers have created their own image of Jesus Christ from scriptures of the Bible and scripts from Hinduism. Jesus is seen as an embodiment aspect of god, namely the love aspect. The love is king and accepts and tolerates everything and everyone.

counterfeit Jesus produces counterfeit Christians

Jesus is considered an extremely good person, a prophet, sage, and guru, who continued teaching the doctrines of Buddha and Hinduism and in whom the christ or cosmic consciousness dwelled.

Because of the fact, that Jesus had overcome evil in his previous lives, he was able to resist evil. He was an avatar, a savior of the world. He was anointed with superior wisdom and was conscious of the fact that he could lead others to the higher levels (ways) of supernatural spiritual life.

Jesus was the temple in whom the christ was able to manifest himself to the people.

New Agers believe that the christ power can be formed and live in every human being.

Everyone can do what Jesus has done because all humans, including Jesus, are equal. Therefore you don’t have to fear him. Because fear and having awe of someone stand for inequality.

He doesn’t want you to pray to him, but that you pray to god (universal power or energy), who lives inside of you and in him. New Agers use the Scripture from the Bible that the Kingdom of God is within you (Лук 17:21).

Хайртай, respect, and tolerance

The new age is considered the perfect religion and philosophy of this world. That’s because in the new age movement everyone is being embraced and accepted. Бурхан; the universal energy is love. He approves of everything and therefore he tolerates and accepts everyone and everything. The new age is focused on peace and harmonizing the world. Because everything revolves around love.

False love

That’s why new agers are very sensitive about sincere love and compassion for their well-being.

There is no good or evil; everything is lawful. If it’s for your own benefit, then it doesn’t matter if you violate the law.

There is no sin, and therefore the new age movement approves of all kinds of behavior.

We also see this in the hippie movement, which was developed in the ’60s.

The hippies pleated for love, harmony, compassion, peace, fellowship, and (sexual) freedom while they used drugs, rebelled against the laws, and violated the laws of the country.

Respect is also a much-used term in the new age movement. You have to respect everyone, including their origin, culture, religion, philosophy, habits, sexual preferences, etc.

New age and healing

Within the new age movement, there is a strong emphasis on healing. The new age movement promotes the use of natural food, herbal remedies, and supplements and makes use of alternative medicine, that derives from Eastern religions and philosophies. For example:

Reiki, Qigong, acupuncture, acupressure, massage therapy, meditation, yoga, aromatic therapy, aura soma, astral travel, Ayurveda, Bowen therapy, craniosacral therapy, cupping, magnet therapy, polarisation therapy, crystal therapy, gemstone therapy, holistic therapy, iridoscopy, rolfing therapy, kinesiology, sound therapy, phytotherapy, color therapy, compassionate touch, allo therapy, chiropractic, homeopathy, osteopathy, regression therapy, reflexology, psychotherapy, hypnotherapy, transpersonal counseling, quantum touch, reconnective healing or the reconnection, tachyon therapy, shamanism (including using prayer flags, dreamcatchers, etc.), feng shui, shiatsu, Malva therapy, mesology. therapy, orthomolecular medicine, spiritism, Wicca, etc.

The new age movement strives to harmonize and unite spirituality with science.

New age at schools

But let’s not forget the influence of the new age at schools. Because the new age has also affected Christian schools and their belief system, values, and morals. Many Christian schools have slowly changed their belief system and values, which are based upon the Bible, and have adjusted them to what the world says.

They teach that there is not one truth, but everyone has their own truth and you should respect everyone’s truth. Everything is allowed.

Children are taught that if something works or feels good, they should do it, despite the fact whether it’s wrong or right and if it is allowed or not.

There used to be a difference between public schools and Christian schools, but nowadays there is hardly any difference anymore.

Allow the children to come to Me do not forbid them

Many Christian schools have opened their doors to other religions and (Eastern) philosophies and have adjusted their values and rules so that they will not become a stone of stumbling for them.

Instead of those, who chose to go to a Christian school, respect and obey the rules of the school, they rebel against the Bible and cause the school to adjust the rules to them. By doing that, the schooldenies Jesus Christ; үг. The school uses the word love, to justify its actions. But what happened to the school’s love for God and His Word?

God has never commanded His children to get involved with pagan religions or philosophies, nor to accept them. But God has commanded His children to stay away and not get involved.

Харамсалтай нь, His children don’t know His Word anymore, but have created their own imaginary God and religion. They have set up their own rules based on their feelings, emotions, experiences, and findings. In these false doctrines of love, respect, and tolerance, we see the influence of the new age philosophy that has infiltrated many schools.

This is not surprising, because many Christian school teachers practice yoga, and alternative healing, and are involved in the occult. There are Christian schools that even teach children and teenagers, yoga, meditation methods, mantra and massage techniques so that they learn to relax and destress from the pressure of performance or problems at home. But the only thing that a child needs is the Word and a stable Christian home.

New age in the media en entertainment industry

The media and entertainment industry knows how important the mind of people is and how much influence they have on the mind of people. And they are right. Because many people are bound by (social) media and entertainment and can’t live without it. The world makes use of all these resources to infiltrate and possess the minds of people, so that they will be bound to the spirit of this world, including the new age spirit, and become like the world. And so many people, including Christians, have developed a new age mindset.

We see a lot of occult television programs, that contain witchcraft (with or without tarot cards, crystal glazing, gemstones, etc.), consulting spirits, and astrology. There are many programs, series, and movies on television that contain (extreme) violence, crime, sickness, disease, death, fornication, adultery, sexual uncleanness, witchcraft, magic, sorcery, mythic gods and goddesses, aliens, zombies and soaked with the occult.

There is hardly anything on television, that doesn’t contain any of these elements. The world wants you to allow sin and to make you believe that sin is ok and consider it normal.

Television embraces the works of the devil and promotes the occult and the supernatural (paranormal) world. Television represents the world and has indeed become a medium.

danger television for children

How many hours a day does a child or teenager spend in front of the television? The media industry also knows that, and that’s why many children’s programs and cartoons are full of witchcraft, magic, sorcery, divination, supernatural powers, and other occult elements.

Many children consider the occult as a reality and normal. Isn’t it surprising, that there are so many psychic children, who are gifted? And that the darkness has possessed so many children?

But because many parents are carnal and unspiritual and walk after the flesh in darkness, and are too busy with themselves, they don’t see that their children are being captivated by the devil and are ruled by the evil powers of darkness.

Many parents think their children are special when they are psychic and have special spiritual gifts. They consider their children too young to understand the Bible, but they allow their children to become involved and move into the occult spirit realm.

Even in (comic) books, we see the agenda of the new age movement. Things like supernatural powers, reincarnation, sorcery, magic, witchcraft, channeling, crystal glazing, gemstones, crystals, and other occult elements are considered normal.

And let’s not forget the world of gaming. Because there is hardly any game, that doesn’t contain (extreme) violence, slaughter, crime, murder, death, reincarnation, supernatural powers, witchcraft, magic, divination, sorcery, etc. Dungeons of dragons teach new age and neo-heathen values. In Pokemon, you notice Hindu and Buddhist concepts of evolution and reincarnation. Харамсалтай нь, many people, who are carnal, don’t realize, that when someone plays a game, which is full of occult elements, the gamer binds him or herself with demons and channelizes and communicates with evil spirits (read also: the danger of gaming). When they get a ‘revelation’ they think it derives from the Holy Spirit and that they are led by the Holy Spirit, but in reality, they are being led by evil spirits.

How to recognize new age in the church

The new age spirit has infiltrated many churches. There are many signs, which show that a church is defiled by the new age. A few of these signs and new age teachings are:

  • The faith and doctrines are based upon spiritual revelations, visions, feelings, emotions, and (supernatural) experiences and philosophies of man, instead of the Word of God.
  • No fear and respect for God, Есүс, мөн Ариун Сүнс. But being lukewarm for Jesus; the Word and the things of the Kingdom of God.
  • Huge interest in doctrines, methods, and (prayer) strategies, that are focused upon the prosperity and enrichment of man, the supernatural realm, new levels of supernatural authority, walking in supernatural powers, and performing signs and wonders and information about demons.
  • Seeking after supernatural powers instead of God’s will
  • Focused upon the spiritual gifts instead of the Giver
  • More faith in human methods, techniques, and strategies than in Jesus Christ
  • More focus on powers, signs, and wonders, than on the Word of God, sanctification, and development of a godly character.
  • Preaching new age ‘self-helpand ‘feel good’ sermons, that are focused upon the feelings, emotions, prosperity, and success of people.
  • A gospel that is focused upon man, and the materialistic prosperity and provisions for man, instead of a focus upon Jesus Christ; үг, and His Kingdom
  • Fasting for revelations, prosperity, wealth, and material breakthrough
  • Learn to empty yourself during prayer and make use of prayer and visualization methods in the mind to manipulate certain things, situations, circumstances, people, etc
  • Little or no faith in the Bible. That’s why the Bible is not being taken literally and people don’t apply the words of God to their lives, because according to many the Bible doesn’t fit in their lives, and in this present age
  • Believers don’t have a personal experiential relationship with Jesus and the Father, but have developed their faith upon supernatural experiences, revelations, and stories of others.
  • Serving an imaginary God and an imaginary Jesus, who is created in the mind after the image of man. An imaginary God and Jesus, who approves everything and who accepts and tolerates everyone and everything, including sins and other religions and philosophies, that deny Jesus Christ the Son of God.
  • Harmonize the Kingdom of God with worldly science and eastern religions and philosophies. For example, by believing that doctors and psychologists are appointed and blessed by God.
  • Huge interest and belief in holistic healing and nutrition etc. Instead of believing and holding on to the truth, that by the stripes of Jesus Christ you were healed (1 Peter 2:24)
  • Live and act, by using the methods and strategies of the world and out of feelings and emotions, instead of Jesus Christ; үг.
  • Focus on unity and striving for peace and harmony between churches and congregations, and to achieve that, make concessions and approve the works of darkness, sin, and all things, that deviate from the Word and the will of God.
  • The church wants to be noticed, heard, and accepted by the world.
  • The church has become like the world and therefore the world feels at home in the church
  • Religious tolerance and acceptance of moral diversity and sexuality. You don’t have to change, you may be the way you are, and do whatever feels good. Because God is love and He has made people just the way they are and you have to accept that.
  • Indifference towards sin and tolerance of sin (all those things that go against the will of God), in order to keep walking in the (false) love of the world. Believe and confess that there is no more sin. Because Jesus has taken the sins away.
  • The new age church says, there is no sin,
  • New age teachings say, there will be no judgment and there is no hell
  • The church has mixed the evolution theory with creationism
  • Creating an own belief system. Because the truth is in the mind of people and that’s why people create their own reality. Because of that, people adjust the words of God, so that it fits the way people think, their life, and the time we live in.
  • Man; the creation is being placed above the Creator
  • People exalt themselves and consider themselves as god and adjust His words to their carnal lusts and desires. Instead of people renewing their minds with the Word of God and adjusting their lives to the Word
  • No change in the lives of believers, but they stay carnal and keep living after their flesh, making their own rules.
  • Believing in the yin yang principle. There is no good or evil; every good contains evil, and every evil contains good. Therefore every person contains good and evil and will always be a sinner.
  • Believing in karma and a positive mindset. Because from a positive mindset and by speaking positive words you can achieve everything you want. But if karma is a reality, then why was Jesus crucified?
  • Huge focus on music, singing, dancing, and outward appearances. This has even become a ministry and is used as a resource to awaken pleasant feelings and emotions. By using loud music and singing repetitive parts of a song or the name of Jesus believers will enter a state of spiritual ecstasy. While some dance, with or without flags, that derive from pagan cultures.
  • Using ‘holy’ natural objects and resources in the church, for healing, praise, and worship, etc. to evoke supernatural powers and supernatural manifestation. For example the cross, fire tunnels, honey pot, smoke machines, and ambiance lighting to create atmosphere, Impartationby laying on of hands for more wisdom, faith, power, a special anointing, etc.
  • Supernatural manifestations in the body, that seem godly, but are in reality evil occult powers manifesting in the flesh. Like divination (false prophesy), drunk in the spirit, uncontrollable laughter, shacking, movements, imitation of animal (sounds), etc.
  • New age teaching of opening heavenly portals to experience the glory of God and the provision of God in your life
  • Applying color symbols, that derive from Hinduism and eastern philosophies
  • Grave soaking, grave sucking, or mantle grabbing
  • Spiritual readings, by using destiny cards; tarot cards that are Christianized
  • Angel board game (a copy of the Ouija board game)
  • Numerology and search for hidden secrets behind every word, especially in the Old Testament, and base new doctrines and methods on these supernatural revelations.
  • Involved in yoga, meditation, martial arts, massage therapy, etc.
  • Worshipping and exalting spiritual leaders and placing them above Jesus Christ. Because of the fact, that many leaders allow this, they are tempted by pride and many times fall into sin.
  • In the church, there is sexual uncleanness, fornication, adultery, (sexual) abuse, divorce, etc.
  • Confess that there is not one way, but that there are many ways, that lead to salvation and God. Therefore the church accepts other religions and philosophies.
  • The church has become a humanistic social institution, that is focused on social activities, fellowshipping, and having a good time.
  • Pastoral care uses worldly methods and strategies from science and eastern religions and philosophies. For example, by applying psychological methods and strategies and eastern methods like building bridges from Reiki. Whereby a person builds a bridge in his mind to the past and goes back to the moment of the trauma or negative experience. The person now makes another decision in his mind, whereby the negative experience or trauma takes another turn and is dissolved. In the church, they apply this method and involve Jesus in it. The person goes back in his mind to the past, to the moment of the trauma and negative experience, and hand it over to Jesus, and then the problem is solved. But by using these occult methods the person is becoming involved in the occult.

How to prevent the influence of new age in the church?

The Word says, there is only one Way through Jesus Christ; the Son of the living God. Jesus Christ is the Saviour of fallen man. Only through Him, man can be saved and reconciled to God.

Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me (John 14:6-7)

He said, that He didn’t come to bring peace on earth, but rather division:

Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division: For from henceforth there shall be five in one house divided, three against two, and two against three. The father shall be divided against the son, and the son against the father; the mother against the daughter, and the daughter against the mother; the mother in law against her daughter in law, and the daughter in law against her mother in law (Лук 12:51-53)

You can only obtain unity by becoming born again, living after the Spirit, and staying obedient to Jesus; үг.

Keeping unity in the church doesn’t mean accepting everything, including sin, and compromising with the world (system). The church should guard her gates and prevent false carnal doctrines and philosophies that are inspired by revelations, visions, (supernatural) experiences, and the knowledge and wisdom of this world, but deviate from the Word, to enter.

Jesus and the apostles already warned the church of false prophets, preachers and doctrines of devils. Therefore this is not something new.

When you have faith in the Word of God and become born again and walk after the Spirit in obedience to the Word, you will be able to discern good from evil and discern this new age spirit and prevent this new age spirit to enter the church.

Conclusion about new age in the church

Now that you have read this article, can you still say that the church is the body of Christ? Or do you have to admit, that the church is no longer the body of Christ, but has become the body of man and the world and has become a new age church with many new age teachings and occult elements? How the church has become involved in the occult, will be discussed in the next blogpost: The occult church.

The most important thing is, that the church repents from her carnal occult works and lays down her flesh and turns back to Jesus; үг, and builds the church upon the Word and the Holy Spirit.

‘Be the salt of the earth’

Source: KJV, Kingdom of the cults by W.Martin, Wikipedia

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