Comment Jésus a restauré la paix entre l'homme déchu et Dieu

Pour le moment, cet homme a décidé d'écouter le serpent (le diable; l'archange déchu) et j'ai suivi ses conseils, au lieu d'obéir au commandement de Dieu, l'homme a perdu sa position spirituelle de fils de Dieu, whereby the peace between man and God was broken and man lost his dominion to the devil. The devil not only took God’s place, by becoming the father of fallen man. But the devil also took the place of man and the dominion of man, who was appointed as son of God as a ruler on the earth. Therefore the devil became the ruler and the god of this world and the father of fallen man (pécheurs). Tout le monde, who would be born on the earth would enter his dominion and be his child and come under the influence of his authority and would live in obedience to the devil. But after man had sinned and the spiritual transfer had taken place, God prophesied about the venue de Jésus-Christ, Who would restore the position of fallen man and the peace between fallen man and God. Let’s look at how Jesus restored the peace between fallen man and God.

Jesus Christ restored the peace between fallen man and God and the position of fallen man

God would put enmity between him (le diable) and the woman, and between his seed (tu tombes) and her Seed (Jésus), and the Seed of the woman (Jésus Christ) would bruise his head and he would bruise His heel (Gen 3:15).

God referred to the coming of Jesus Christ, His work of redemption at the cross, Son sang, and His resurrection from the dead. Whereby He took the authority (les clés) of the devil and restored the position of fallen man and the peace between fallen man and God.

As mentioned in the article ‘Quel genre de paix Jésus a-t-il apporté sur terre', Jesus didn’t come to bring a peace as the world defines peace.

Jesus came to restore what was broken and disturbed in the spiritual realm, which was the relationship between God and man, and to give back the authority and dominion over the earth, which God had originally given to man but was taken by the devil, to the new man.

The generation of the new man is born of the Seed

God has given to everyone, who is born on this earth and belongs to the generation of fallen man, the ability to become by Jesus Christ a new creation; le nouvel homme.

Ceux, who are born again in Him belong to the generation of the new man, who is delivered from the power of the devil and sin and death, by the crucifixion de la chair and resurrection of the spirit from the dead.

Le vieil homme est crucifié en ChristQui nous a délivrés de la puissance des ténèbres, et nous a transportés dans le royaume de son Fils bien-aimé: In Whom we have redemption through His blood, même le pardon des péchés (Colossiens 1:13-14)

Par la régénération en Jésus-Christ, le vieil homme; the fallen man, who belongs to the world; the kingdom of darkness has become the new man and is transferred from the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of God.

Through regeneration, you are redeemed from your sins and all your sins are forgiven.

The new man has become a son of God and belongs to the Kingdom of God. Through this spiritual transformation, the new man has become an enemy of the devil and his seed (the generation of fallen man).

The enmity in the seed of the devil

The new man is born of the Seed of God and is no longer an enemy of God, but has become an enemy of the devil and his seed (his children).

Jesus has taken the enmity against God, that is present in the seed of the devil; fallen man upon Himself and carried it in His flesh on the cross and took away the enmity between God and fallen man.

The carnal mind is enmity against God

Parce que l'esprit charnel est inimitié contre Dieu: car il n'est pas soumis à la loi de Dieu, ni l'un ni l'autre ne peut l'être. Ainsi donc, ceux qui sont dans la chair ne peuvent pas plaire à Dieu (Romains 8:7-8)

The old man has the nature of the devil, including his enmity against God. As long as the vieil homme is not born again in Jesus Christ and doesn’t renew his mind avec la Parole de Dieu, the old man shall stay carnal and shall have the mind of the world and shall walk after the flesh according to the course of this world (

The old man is darkened in his mind and shall not be able to submit to God and walk in His will and please Him.

you are of your father the devilCeux, who are born in the flesh and are not born again in the Spirit in Christ are sons of the devil and belong to him.

They are sinners, who have the nature of the devil and listen to him and obey him. Therefore they shall live after the flesh and persevere in sin.

They are rebellious and live, tout comme leur père, in enmity with God and don’t listen and submit to His will. But they are prideful and do what they want to do.

Tout le monde, who has not laid down his own life and doesn’t want to submit to God’s will, doesn’t belong to Him, but still belongs to the devil. That’s what the Word says (Oh. Matthieu 10:39; 16:25; 19:29, Marque 8:35, Luc 9:24; 17:33, Jn 5:24; 6:47; 8:44; 10:25-30, 1 John 3:8-10).

Ceux, who don’t belong to God, through Jesus Christ, don’t live in peace with God, but they live in enmity with God.

C'est pourquoi, the peace of God is not present in their lives, but they are worried and agitated and experience anxiety, stresser, peur, and unforgiveness which leads to angriness and bitterness, they are pressed down, depressive, and are constantly accused in their mind (Isaïe 48:22; 57:21).

The spiritual laws are established in the universe

People can accept and approve of all evil; all sins, which God has revealed and are written in the Bible. But the spiritual laws, which God created, are established forever in the universe and shall always apply. No one will be able to change that (Lire aussi: La Parole de Dieu est établie pour toujours).

God was (et c'est toujours le cas) so loving, that He revealed these spiritual laws in the Old Covenant to His carnal people, by giving them His Word and His law, qui représente sa volonté. He wrote them on tablettes de pierre, that represented the heart of the old carnal man. Because God wanted that His commandments, which represented His will, were written in the heart of the old man. So that His people were familiar with Sa volonté et Ses pensées and would keep Sa manière.

God’s great love towards man became even more visible by keeping His promise of the coming of Jesus Christ and the restoration of fallen man, through the process of regeneration of the new creation; le nouvel homme.

Jesus has broken down the middle wall of partition

Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ: By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God (Romains 5:1-2)

By sending His Son Jesus Christ, who was the Firstborn of the new creation, and by His work at the cross, His sacrifice and His blood, and the resurrection from the dead, man has been given the opportunity to be reconciled with God in Him, by laying down the flesh, which has the nature of the devil, including the enmity with God, en Jésus-Christ, causing the spirit of the new man to be raised from the dead (Lire aussi: Quelle est la vraie signification de la croix?).

That is the peace, that Jesus brought on earth, besides preaching and bringing the Kingdom of God to the people of God. Jesus came to restore the peace between God and man and restore fallen man back to his position as a son of God and give back his dominion on earth (Colossiens 1:20, Hébreux 13:20-21).

For He is our peace, Who hath made both one, and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us; Having abolished in His flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances; for to make in Himself of twain one new man, so making peace; And that He might reconcile both unto God in one body by the cross, having slain the enmity thereby: And came and preached peace to you which were afar off, and to them that were nigh. For through Him we both have access by one Spirit unto the Father (Éphésiens 2:14-18)

The new man can’t be raised from the dead
unless the old man has died

Cependant, the new man can not be raised from the dead, unless the old man has died. Because as long as the old man stays alive, man shall have the nature of the devil and shall be led by his carnal mind, sens, sentiments, émotions, and the lusts and desires of the flesh. À cause de ça, the old man shall not be able to submit to God’s will, which is written in the Word, but shall live in rebellion against Him.

La bataille et la faiblesse du vieil hommeAs long as the old man reigns and shall persevere in sins, the person shall not experience the peace of God.

No matter how many times the person visits a church, is helpful towards others, does charity works, gives alms, walks in the false love du monde, reads the Bible and prays, etc..

It shall not matter, because in the eyes of God, all these works will be considered vain.

The person shall have peace with the world, but shall not have peace with God.

À cause du fait, that many people don’t know what truly happened at the cross and don’t have the mind of Christ and the Holy Spirit, Beaucoup de gens, including those who claim to be Christians, don’t have peace, but are restless, anxieux, chaotique, fearful, depressed and are led by their flesh, circonstances, and surroundings.

The birth of the new man in Jesus Christ

Il n'y a que Sens Unique to experience true peace and that’s by faith in Jesus Christ the Son of God and in His work of redemption and by laying down the enmity of the old man (towards God) En lui. À travers le baptême dans l'eau, you identify yourself with Jesus Christ and His sufferings and death and you bury the old man and his nature, including his enmity with God, in the water.

If you have laid down the old man in Jesus Christ and have become a new creation in Him, your spiritual position is restored in Him and you are reconciled with God. Maintenant, you can have a relationship through Jesus; the Word with the Father.

God is no longer far away, but He is near. He lives inside of you by His Holy Spirit. Par la Parole et le Saint-Esprit, Who live inside of you, you are connected with Him (John 14:20-24; 26, Éphésiens 2:22)

La paix de Dieu

Et la paix de Dieu, qui dépasse toute compréhension, gardera vos cœurs et vos pensées par Jésus-Christ (Philippiens 4:7)

As long as you stay in Christ and walk after the Word and the Spirit in connection with the Father, you shall experience the peace of God in your life, qui dépasse toute compréhension (John 14:27, Philippiens 4:7, 2 Thessaloniciens 3:16).

Paix je te laisse, Ma paix je te la donne: not as the world giveth give I unto you. Que ton cœur ne soit pas troublé, qu'il n'ait pas non plus peur (John 14:27)

Jesus has not left the peace of this world, which depends on relationships with others, situations, and surroundings.

But Jesus has left the peace of God, through which you live in peace with Him.

The peace of God doesn’t depend on relationships with others, circonstances, situations, and surroundings.

But this peace is present in you, from the moment you get born again. Because through the process of regeneration in Jesus Christ your position has been restored and you are reconciled with God, causing you to live in peace with God.

This peace of God that passes all understanding shall reign in your heart and no one shall be able to take that paix from you, as long as you stay in Him (Colossiens 3:15,)

As long as you stay in Him and live in obedience to Him, by doing what He says, you shall always experience His peace, despite the behavior of other people, situations, problèmes, alentours, and the resistance and persecution of the world. Jesus has left His peace and those who stay in Him and obey Him and suis-le shall experience His peace.

'Soyez le sel de la terre’

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