¿Es Jesús un promotor del pecado??

The gospel of Jesus Christ and the preaching of the cross and the blood have been compromised and changed into a gospel of people that promotes sin. But is Jesus a Promoter of sin? “Come as you are, you won’t have to change, because God loves you, Just The Way You Are. Después de todo, you are created in His image". “He has created you just the way you are born, therefore you can’t do anything about the way you feel”. “You don’t have to remove sin out of your life, because Jesus has taken all the sins of the world upon Him. He carried your sins and put it away. He has entered death so that you won’t have to enter death. The only thing you have to do is to believe in Jesus, pray the prayer of repentance, and be baptized and you can continue your life, and live the way you want to live. Because by your faith in Jesus you have been redeemed from sin, and therefore you can’t sin anymore”. “Well, it is indeed written in the Old Testament, but we don’t live in the Old Testament, but in the New Testament, therefore God’s commandments and His law are no longer valid. That’s part of religion, we have been made free in Christ and therefore we have no rules and commandments anymore.” “We don’t adhere a religion, but we have a relationship with God and Jesus and therefore we are freed from all condemnation and all rules and commandments. We don’t have to do anything anymore. We only have to love God and our neighbor, which means that we should respect, accept and tolerate everyone, just the way they are”. “Well, Paul did mention those things, which were not according to the will of God, but Paul was just human and Jesus didn’t say anything about it”. These are just a few of the many partial truths, which are in reality lies, that the devil uses to mislead and persuade Christians to think that it doesn’t matter how you live and that you may live in sin. But is Jesus a Promoter of sin?

What The devil comes as an angel of light and is a promoter of sin

The devil comes as an angel of light and is a promoter of sin. The devil tries to tempt and deceive Christians with his lies that are wrapped in partial truths of the Bible. It looks like the truth, but it is not the truth. Recordar, when the devil tried to tempt Jesus in the wilderness, he didn’t use his own words, but he used the words of God (Leer también: Te daré las riquezas de este mundo.).

The sons of the devil also act the same as their father, because they have the same nature and character as their father. The sons of the devil ensure that believers keep walking in darkness, doing evil works. They live in a lie and although they see, they are blinded for the works of the devil and although they hear, they are deaf for the truth of the words of God. They preach words, that contradict the words of God and promote evil (pecado) instead of righteousness.

What do people say and what does the Word say?

People say that it doesn’t matter how you live and that it’s ok. Pero la Palabra dice, that it does matter what you do and how you live and that all those things, that derives from the flesh and possesses the nature and character of the devil, are an abomination to Him. If it’s an abomination to God then it’s also an abomination to Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

But because people have replaced God with man, the words of man are believed above the words of God.

Burladores que causan división en la iglesia.

People have changed the truth of God by the lies of man and therefore have exalted man above God.

Because of the fact that people have rejected God and Su palabra, God has rejected them and has given them up unto vile affections, impureza, and a mente reprobada. All of this has become visible by the fact that the carnal works of the flesh are tolerated and accepted in many churches.

What are the works of the flesh, that are an abomination to God, Jesús, y el espiritu santo?

The works of the flesh are evil thoughts, adulterio, idolatría, brujería, fornicación, impureza, effeminate (male prostitution, the boy kept for a homosexual relationship), homosexualidad, asesinato, theft, codicia, malicia, kidnapping, engaño, lascivia, an evil eye, blasfemia, orgullo, tontería, foolish talking, coarse jesting, injusticia, maliciousness, envidiar, lujuria, debate, engaño, perjury, malignity, whisperings, backbiting, odio, hating God, despiteful, boasting, inventing evil things, diferencia, emulaciones, ira, lucha, sediciones, herejías, disobedience to parents, no understanding, breaking covenants, no natural affection, implacable, unmerciful, reviling, extortion, embriaguez, wherein is dissipation, banquetings (drinking parties) and reveling (Marca 7:21-23, romanos 1: 24-32, 1 corintios 6:9-10, Gálatas 5:19-21, Efesios 5:18, 1 Timoteo 1:10, 1 Pedro 4:3)

Todas esas cosas, that are an abomination to God are accepted today. People say, that it doesn’t matter, but God is transparent and very clear in His Word and says that it does matter. Ahora, the question is: who do you believe: God or people?

Are you a promoter of sin?

If you approve ofpecado and/or keep living in sin, and therefore doing the things that go against the will of God, you are a promoter of sin instead of righteousness. Because by sinning, you promote sin. By your speech, actions and works you approve those things, which God disapproves.

As long as sin is tolerated and approved, people will live in bondage and that’s exactly what the devil wants.

Many people believe in the lies of the devil, which he raises in their minds. He works in the flesh and therefore he not only raises lies in the mind, but he also uses the emotions and feelings of people to accept sin, so that he can build his kingdom and destroy the Kingdom of God.

By believing the lies of the devil, which he raises in the mind, and by speaking and acting according to those lies, many Christians live in the lie and bondage of the devil. They say they believe in Jesus and assume they are salvado and redeemed from the power of the devil, but the fruit they bear in their lives proves, that they don’t believe in Jesus, but in the devil, and by their obedience to the devil, they still belong to him.

Un cambio de reino

Who hath delivered us (tú) from the power of darkness, and hath translated us (tú) into the kingdom of his dear Son: In whom we (tú) have redemption through his blood, Incluso el perdón de los pecados. (colosenses 1:13-14)

cuando te conviertes nacido de nuevo, a change of kingdom takes place. A través de la regeneración, you have laid down your flesh, in which sin reigns and abides, and your spirit has been raised from the dead, whereby you have been given access to the Kingdom of God. You don’t belong to the devil and his kingdom, but you belong to God and His Kingdom.

El anciano es crucificado en Cristo.

Before your arrepentimiento, you were free from righteousness and a slave of sin. But through your repentance and regeneration in Christ, you have been delivered from sin, by crucifying your flesh and its works and by the resurrection of the spirit, you have become a servant of righteousness (romanos 6:18).

You have become a nueva creación en Jesucristo, you have become righteous and therefore you shall walk in righteousness.

What has taken place in the spiritual realm shall become visible in the natural realm by your speech, hechos, obras, and the fruit you bear.

El diablo, who was your father and whom you obeyed, is no longer your father. God has become your Father. Por lo tanto, you shall no longer yield to the flesh and listen to the devil, los espíritus de este mundo, and what your senses, mente carnal, sentimientos, and emotions tell you, but you shall yield to God and listen to what your Father tells you (el nuevo hombre) through His Word and His Spirit.

Jesus has restored the way to the Father and reconciled man back to God. The relationship between God and man that was broken through the desobediencia of man to God in the jardín del Edén has been restored through the obediencia of Jesus to God and His obra de redención para el hombre caído. Only by faith in Jesus and becoming born again man can be redeemed from his fallen state as a sinner and become a son of God and live after His will.

The devil is a promoter of sin

Sin is the will of the devil. It is the exact opposite of the will of God and therefore his words diametrically oppose the words of God. If God says, do this, the devil says, do that (Read also ‘La voluntad de Dios versus la voluntad del diablo.'. When you are born again or say that you are born again, but you still live the same life as before your repentance and do the same works as before your repentance, when the devil was your father and lord, then something is not quite right (Leer también: ‘La voluntad de Dios versus la voluntad del diablo.').

Because repentance means the putting away of sins and regeneration means a change of kingdom, law and ruler or king. You have exchanged the law of the flesh for the law of the Spirit. You have exchanged the devil, who works in the flesh, for Jesus, who works in the Spirit.

The devil works in the flesh of the fallen man. He is the ruler and king of fallen man, who is carnal, listens to the flesh, and is led by the lusts and desires of the flesh. Fallen man does what the flesh dictates the fallen man to do. The fallen man is bound to the works of the flesh and therefore a slave of sin and death.

Entonces que? ¿Pecaremos?, porque no estamos bajo la ley, pero bajo gracia? Dios no lo quiera. ¿No lo sabéis?, aquel a quien os entregáis sirvientes para obedecer, sus siervos sois vosotros a quienes obedecéis; ya sea de pecado de muerte, o de obediencia a la justicia? Pero gracias a Dios, que erais siervos del pecado, sino que habéis obedecido de corazón aquella forma de doctrina que os fue entregada. Ser entonces liberado del pecado, os convertisteis en siervos de la justicia. (romanos 6:15-18)

As long as your flesh remains alive and you walk after the misleading lusts and desires of your flesh, you shall keep doing the works of the flesh and live according to the voluntad del diablo.

You shall exalt yourself above the will of God and sus mandamientos. You shall love yourself above everything and everyone else and put your carnal lusts and desires first in your life and obey and fulfill them. Por eso, you shall bear the fruit of the flesh, which reveals to whom you belong.

Sin has been made known by the law

It is written in the Bible that sin is made known through la Ley (romanos 5:13; 7:7-12). Sin embargo, sin did not come by the law, because sin already existed before the law. Because if sin didn’t exist before the giving of the law, why did the flood in the days of Noah and the destruction of Sodom, Gomorrah, and the neighboring cities were destroyed? Both incidents took place, due to apostasy and disobedience to God, and obedience to the devil through sin. The works of the flesh; sin has caused the flood and the destruction of Sodom, Gomorrah, and the neighboring cities.

Por lo tanto, the only thing that the law has done is create clarity and reveal sin to fallen man. Because although the people of God didn’t belong to the Gentiles, they still belonged to the generation of fallen man. Because Jesus was not yet come to the earth and the new man was not yet created in Christ Jesus.

¿Es Jesús un promotor del pecado??

Si usted dice, that you believe in Jesus Christ and that you have a relationship with Him and that Jesus is Lord of your life, but you do the same works as the world and persevere in the things that go against the will of Jesus and the will of the Father and therefore persevere in sin. Then you actually say, that Jesus is King and the Lord of sin and that Jesus is a Promoter of sin. Because you speak, act and live after the will of the one, to whom you belong and serve and who you obey.

If you belong to Jesus, you will listen to Him and obey Him and therefore you do what the Word tells you to do. You shall walk after the Word and the Spirit in righteousness. You shall walk after the ley del espíritu and life in Christ Jesus and bear the fruto del espíritu.

But as long as you keep listening to your flesh and obey your flesh and persevere in sin, then your actions prove that you don’t have a relationship with Jesus and you don’t belong to Him, and that He is not the Lord of your life, but you have a relationship with the angel of light, he is the lord of your life. You can say that you are a Christian and say all kinds of things, but the fruit you bear tells it all. The Word is very clear about it and says:

En él no hay pecado, quien permanece en él no peca

Quien permanece en él, no peca: todo aquel que peca no le ha visto, ni lo conocí. Niños pequeños, que ningún hombre os engañe: he that does righteousness is righteous, así como él es justo. He that commits sin is of the devil; porque el diablo peca desde el principio. Para esto fue manifestado el Hijo de Dios, para destruir las obras del diablo. Todo aquel que nace de Dios no comete pecado.; porque su semilla permanece en él: y no puede pecar, porque es nacido de Dios. En esto se manifiestan los hijos de Dios, y los hijos del diablo: Todo aquel que no hace justicia no es de Dios., ni el que no ama a su hermano (1 John 3:6-10)

Jesús les respondió, En verdad, en verdad, te digo, Todo aquel que comete pecado es siervo del pecado. (John 8:34)

Why call ye me, Caballero, Caballero, y no hagas las cosas que digo? (lucas 6:46)

No todo el que me dice, Caballero, Caballero, entrará en el reino de los cielos; but he that does the will of My Father which is in heaven. Muchos me dirán en aquel día, Caballero, Caballero, have we not prophesied in Thy name? and in Thy name have cast out devils? and in Thy name done many wonderful works? Y entonces les profesaré, Nunca os conocí: apartate de mi, you that work iniquity (Mateo 7:21-23)

Jesús dice, that those who don’t obey the Word and don’t do the will of the Father are workers of iniquity and Jesus doesn’t know them. The workers of iniquity shall not enter the Kingdom of heaven, but Jesus shall send the workers of iniquity away on the day of judgment, despite the prophecies and many wonderful works, they’ve done.

Solo esos, who listen and obey Him; the Word and love the Father, Jesús, and the Holy Spirit above all and therefore obey and do sus mandamientos, He shall know because they are the workers of righteousness and therefore they shall enter the Kingdom of heaven.

When Jesus walked on this earth He walked according to the voluntad de Dios, despite the many temptations of the devil and people. Jesus kept standing and stayed obedient to the will of the Father and did not sin. That’s because Jesus loved God with all His heart, mente, fortaleza, and soul.

El pecado mató a Jesús

Jesus is not the Lord of sin. Jesus is not a Representative of sin nor is Jesus a Promoter of sin. Because sin killed Jesus! At the cross, you have seen what sin does. Sin causes separation between God and man and sin leads to death. And that is still the case, despite the work of Jesus Christ. The work of Christ and His blood doesn’t give the right to persevere in sin and keep living after the flesh. But the redemptive work of Christ for fallen man gives people the ability to be redeemed from sin that reigns in the flesh, so that they won’t receive the award of sin, que es la muerte.

Jesus has not suffered so that you can persevere in sin. He has suffered and has entered dead, so that you would be released from the power of darkness and its rulership and be redeemed from sin and won’t see death.

circuncisión en Jesucristo

Jesus is not a Promoter of sin, but He is a Promoter of righteousness.

People can say all kinds of things, but where is it written that Jesus approves the act of sin? donde esta escrito, that Jesus says, “Go and keep sinning, it’s not that bad. It’s ok to sin?". Exactamente, en ningún lugar! These are just inventions that derive from the carnal mind of fallen man and from their emotions and feelings.

Porque Jesús dice, “Go and sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee” (John 5:14; 8:11)

If you believe in Jesus and SIGUELO and if Jesus is your Lord and Master, then you shall not obey the will of the devil and therefore obey sin and persevere in sin. But you shall obey the will of God and do the works of righteousness.

It shall become visible, that you have crucified and laid down your flesh and its lusts and desires out of love for Jesus and that you no longer walk and live after your will (the will of the flesh) and do what you want, but that you live after His will and what He wants (romanos 6:1-14)

For we have not an High Priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; sino que fue tentado en todo según nuestra semejanza, todavía sin pecado. Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need (Hebreos 4:15-16)

For even hereunto were you called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow His steps: Who did no sin, neither was guile found in His mouth (1 Pedro 2:21-22)

When Jesus is the Lord of your life and you abide in Him, you shall obey Him and shall resist sin. Because you have been given power, when you became born again, to rule over sin. Through your faith and regeneration and by renovando tu mente con la palabra de Dios, you shall find out the truth and if you obey the truth you shall follow Jesus.

You shall lay down your flesh by killing the deeds of your flesh and resist the temptations of the devil just like Jesus. You shall walk in righteousness after the Word and the Spirit, Quienes representan la voluntad de Dios.

'Sé la sal de la tierra’

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