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Who was John the baptist man who didn't bow

Juan el Bautista, el hombre que no se inclinó

Who was John the Baptist? John the Baptist was a man, who was chosen and set apart from the people by God and didn’t bow to people. John the Baptist was the son of the priest Zacharias and Elisabeth,…

expectation of people

The expectation of people

There is no human being on this earth, who has never been disappointed. Disappointments occur regularly. Some people can become so disappointed, that it causes incomprehension, agitación, enojo, grief, bitterness and sometimes even hatred. But what causes disappointments? Because if

Las travesuras que la gente se trae a sí misma

Las travesuras que la gente se trae a sí misma

Through the accomplished work of Jesus Christ, you have been given access to the Kingdom of God. Ahora, it’s up to you to stay in the kingdom of God. If you refuse to listen to the words of God

¿Eran David y Jonatán homosexuales??

¿Eran David y Jonatán homosexuales??

David y Jonatán eran amigos.; eran almas gemelas. Jonatán amaba a David como a sí mismo y el amor de David por Jonatán era maravilloso y sobrepasaba el amor de las mujeres.. ¿Pero esto significa, that David and Jonathan were gay and had

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