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Adam upplevde detsamma som Gud

Visste du att Adam upplevde detsamma som Gud?

Visste du att Adam upplevde detsamma som Gud? When Adam became disobedient to God, God lost His son Adam to death. The spirit in Adam died, and because of that God lost His son. Adam experienced the

ny skapelse, what happened on the eighth day

Visste du, when God made the new creation?

Did you know when God made the new creation? God created a new creation on the eighth day. When He made the new creation; the new man, He entered His rest. The creation of the heavens and the earth

city of Gibeah

What happened in the city of Gibeah?

Did you know what happened in the city of Gibeah? In Judges 19, we read about the city of Gibeah and that almost exactly the same pervert thing happened in Gibeah as in Sodom. The people in the city

människans sjätte dag

Vad hände den sjätte dagen?

Did you know what happened on the sixth day? What did God create on the sixth day? On the sixth day, God created Adam, who was God’s first son on earth? But did you also know that Jesus, the second

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