God’s Word brings deliverance

As discussed in the previous blog post, God’s Kingdom is eternal and God’s Word is settled forever. No one and nothing can change that. No one stands above God, not even the fallen angel Lucifer. Satan can attack the Word and steal and destroy the words of God through his lies, yet he can’t change anything about the truth of God’s Word and His will. God’s Word is the truth and therefore the Word is reliable. Those, who put their trust in God and His Word will not be ashamed and disappointed, on the contrary. Every word of God, which is written in the Bible has come to pass and still comes to pass. The Word is the truth and it possesses life. God’s Word brings deliverance to those, who believe in the Word and obey the Word, and do what the Word says. Let’s look at how God’s Word brings deliverance.

God rejected through disobedience to His Word

In the Old Covenant the people, who were born of the seed of Jacob (Israel) and through natural birth belonged to God’s people, often brought evil upon themselves because of their disobedience to God and His Word and their evil works.

Because of their rebellion and disobedience to God, God delivered them into the hands of the pagan nations and they were taken into exile by the Gentiles and lived in bondage (Maca uga: The mischief the people bring upon themselves).

Transgressed the covenant of the Lord

Although the people were responsible for their apostasy, it happened many times, that the kings (rulers) of the people turned away from the law of Moses and left God’s way by rejecting the words of God and wandering from God and leading the people astray and engaged them in their apostasy and their evil works.

They made covenants with the pagan nations, took their women, adopted their culture and customs, and brought their idols into their land, and bowed before the pagan idols.

They placed the idols in the temple, set up high places, sacrificed and burnt incense in the high places to these idols, and did all those things which were evil in the eyes of the Lord.

They didn’t show God that they loved Him through their obedience to His Word and their righteous works. Instead, they showed God through their disobedience to His Word and their evil works, that they despised God and His Word (a.o. Joshua 23:16, Judges 2:12; 20-21, 3:8, 10:17, 1 Kings 14:7-16, 16:7-33, Isaiah 5:24-25).

Because by allowing these idols into their land and adopting the pagan religion, rituals, and practices and all those things, which God had forbidden through His Word, they actually showed God that He was not good enough for them and that God could not give them what they wanted and needed.

God didn’t meet the expectation of His people

God didn’t meet their expectation. They didn’t find with God what they did find with these pagan idols. Therefore they served these idols and bowed down before them, by doing what they commanded them to do and by sacrificing to them (Maca uga: The expectation of people).

Because of the fact that they had left and rejected God and His Word and became infidels by committing adultery with the pagan nations, by adopting their culture, religion (paganism), customs, habits, and lifestyle, and by taking their women unto themselves and by bowing down for idols and submitting to them, God delivered them into the hands of these pagan nations, whom they admired and from whom they had adopted and appropriated everything.

Through their disobedience to God and His Word and their deeds, they brought mischief upon themselves. God was not responsible for that, but they were responsible (a.o. Judges 2:14, 3, 6:1, 13:1, 2 Kings 13:3, 17:20).

God brought deliverance through His Word

Fools, because of their transgression, and because of their iniquities, are afflicted. Their soul abhorreth all manner of meat; and they draw near unto the gates of death. Then they cry unto the Lord in their trouble, and He saveth them out of their distresses. He sent His Word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions (Masmur 107:17-20).

But every time, the people of God called upon God in their distress and showed remorse over their disobedience and their iniquities and sin, which went against the will of God, God heard their call and answered their call through His Word and delivered them.

acknowledge the Lord in all your ways

God appointed judges and kings and spoke through the mouths of His prophets to His people and made the way of deliverance known to them.

Through His Word and the obedience of the people to His Word, God delivered His people from the oppression and power of the pagan nations.

This wasn’t a one-time event, but this happened several times.

There were kings, who feared God and obeyed His Word and walked in His ways and did right in the eyes of the Lord and there were kings, who didn’t fear God and didn’t obey His Word and left His Word and His ways and did those things which were evil in the eyes of the Lord.

But God’s hand was never too short to deliver His people if they truly regret their sins and iniquities and repented of their evil way.

Behold, the Lord’s hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither His ear heavy, that it cannot hear: But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid His face from you, that He will not hear. For your hands are defiled with blood, and your fingers with iniquity; your lips have spoken lies, your tongue hath muttered perverseness. None calleth for justice, nor any pleadeth for truth: they trust in vanity, and speak lies; they conceive mischief, and bring forth iniquity (Isaiah 59:1-4).

Gusti Yesus; the Word proclaimed the acceptable year of the Lord

Gusti Yesus; tembung, came to the earth to preach the acceptable year of the Lord and not to judge mankind, because His time to judge on the Day of Judgment had not come yet.

The Spirit of the Lord God is upon Mebecause the Lord hath anointed Me to preach good tidings unto the meek; He hath sent Me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captivesand the opening of the prison to them that are boundTo proclaim the acceptable year of the Lordand the day of vengeance of our God (Isaiah 61:1-2)

And there was delivered unto Him (Gusti Yesus) the book of the prophet Esaias. And when He had opened the book, He found the place where it was written, The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He hath anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor; He hath sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, To preach the acceptable year of the Lord (Luke 4:17-19)

Jesus was sent to the people of God to give them the opportunity to be delivered from the power of darkness and the dominion of death by making the Kingdom of God known to them and calling them to repentance and the putting away of sin and to believe, obey and do the words of God and to finish the perfect work of redemption for mankind through His redemptive work at the cross.

Jesus commanded the people to have faith in God and repent of their sins and be baptized and obey the words of God.

Jesus fulfilled the law of God on earth

Jesus didn’t come to change the words of God nor to annul the words of God. Jesus didn’t change anything about the words of God, considering Jesus was the living Word of God. Jesus walked in obedience to the words of God and fulfilled every word, which God had spoken and so Jesus fulfilled the law of God on earth.

Jesus knew exactly, who would believe His words and obey and do His words and who wouldn’t.

you are of your father the devil

He knew, who was willing to lay down his own lives and follow Him and who wasn’t.

Therefore, Jesus wasn’t concerned with those, who belonged to God’s people, but were full of pride and had justified themselves and relied on their own intellect and skills.

But Jesus had compassion and was concerned with the lost sheep of God’s people, who were rejected by the proud and self-righteous people and lived in bondage and needed Jesus the Healer to deliver them and make them whole (Maca uga: Was Jesus a Friend of publicans?).

And so, Jesus went to the lost sheep of the house of Israel and spoke the words of God, and delivered them from the power of the devil.

Jesus delivered them and commanded them to sin no more, but instead obey the words of God. Hence they wouldn’t come under the authority of the devil through sin and bow to the devil through obedience to his words and his will and make the devil lord of their lives and give him access and the ability to reign in their lives.

God sent His Word and made them whole

By Jesus’ dying at the cross, His blood, and His resurrection of the dead, Jesus brought deliverance to sampeyan tiba. Jesus made a way for fallen man to be restored to his original position and be reconciled with God.

Jesus sanctified the people and made them righteous by faith in Him and through regeneration. Gusti Yesus; tembung, healed them, which means that He restored (repaired) mankind in his position and made them whole (a.o. 2 Chronicles 30:17-20, Masmur 107: 20, Isaiah 6:10)

My words are spirit and life

By faith in Jesus Christ; the Word and through regeneration; the death of the flesh and the resurrection of the spirit from the dead, the new man was reconciled with God.

By becoming born again in Jesus Christ, the new man was able to have a relationship with God through His Word and His Spirit.

At first, God’s work of redemption was only meant for those, who were born of the seed of Jacob and belonged through natural birth to God’s carnal people.

But because of their fall and because of the goodness and the grace of God, salvation came to the Gentiles (wong Romawi 11:11).

The Gentiles had also been given the ability to be redeemed from the power of the devil by faith in Jesus Christ and through regeneration be transferred from the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of God (Col 1:12-14).

Through the rebirth in Christ, there is no difference anymore between those, who are born of the seed of Jacob (Israel) and those, who are born of the seed of the Gentiles. Because everyone, who is born again in Jesus Christ and has identified himself with Him, has become a son of God and belongs to His Church (Galatians 3:26-28, Kolose 3:10-11).

Gusti Yesus; the Word still brings deliverance

For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith (wong Romawi 1:16-17)

Although Jesus hasascended to heaven and is seated on the mercy seat at the right hand of God, Gusti Yesus, the Word of truth, still delivers and still makes people whole.

Let no one deceive you with vain words

The hand of God is still not too short to deliver. His Word still possesses the same power of God unto salvation to everyone, who believes. But you have to believe first.

Just like the carnal people of God in the Old Covenant had to believe and trust in His words first and act according to His words.

Although we live in new covenant; a better covenant that is not sealed with the blood of animals but with the blood of Jesus; tembung, God has not changed. This means that His Word and His will have not changed.

Through faith and regeneration in Christ, we live in a better covenant, in which mankind no longer lives in bondage through his flesh under the power of darkness and sin and death, but lives in bondage through his spirit that is raised from the dead under the power of God and His light and life through Christ Jesus.

Jesus the Word is the Truth and He still brings deliverance to those, who live under the power and authority of the kingdom of darkness and are looking for deliverance.

The Way of deliverance

Many people are looking for deliverance, but are often looking in the wrong places and enter occult ways. But there is only one Way of deliverance and that is through Jesus Christ; the living Word, and by His blood.

Jesus Christ alone is the Way, the Truth, and the Life (John 14:6 (Maca uga: Is there only one way to salvation?)).

Only by faith in Jesus Christ; the living Word, and His blood, and through regeneration people can be delivered from the power of darkness, by laying down the flesh in which the power of darkness rules and by the resurrection of the spirit from the death, be transferred into the Kingdom of God and be reconciled with God (Kolose 1:14-16).

As long as you walk after the Spirit in obedience to Jesus Christ; the Word and live according to the Word, after your repentance and after being born again, you will stay delivered and live in freedom from Him; tembung, and the Kingdom of God.

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