A fool for the world

When you turn against the Word of God and live a life full of sins and iniquities, God says, that you are a fool. But the world says the exact opposite. They don’t understand born again Christians, who are sons of God (male and female) and walk after the Spirit. Therefore if you are born again, you have become a fool for the world, because the world shall not understand du.

Are you bold enough to become a fool for the world?

But the natural man receives not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned (1 Corinithians 2:14)

The world doesn’t understand gjenfødte troende. Because the natural man, who walks after the flesh, can’t comprehend the things of the Spirit. That’s why you become a fool for the world as soon as you become born again and walk after the Spirit.

Bibelen er vårt kompass, få visdomThe Word of God; Jesus, er foolishness to the world. Because the world doesn’t understand the Bible. They consider the Bible as some kind of history book, that contradicts itself.

Even carnal Christians think that way. They think the Bible is a dull book. As soon as they begin to read the Bible, they become sleepy and because they are led by their feelings, they give into their sleepy feelings and stop reading.

But when you become born again and the Holy Spirit abides in you, the Holy Spirit shall teach you in the Word of God and the words of God will become alive to you. Ja, the dead letter shall become alive.

Only when your spirit is raised from the death and by the Holy Spirit, you will be able to understand God’s Word.

You shall have a desire to have communion with God, gjennom Hans Ord. The Bible is not a dull history book anymore, but it has become a fascinating Book, which contains the truth and gives eternal life.

The Word is your daily Bread and it is your Compass and your Guide in life.

The preaching of the cross is the power of God

For forkynnelsen om korset er dårskap for dem som går fortapt; men for oss som er frelst, er det Guds kraft (1 Korinterne 1:18)

The preaching of the cross is foolishness for the world, for those who have turned their backs to God and don’t want anything to do with Him and shall eventually perish. But to the sons of God, who are saved, the preaching of the cross is the power of God. Therefore if you preach the cross, you shall be a fool for the world.

The wisdom of this world diametrically opposes the wisdom of God

The wisdom of the world diametrically opposes the wisdom of God. Ifølge Ordet, the two have nothing in common. , because that’s what the Word says. Nowadays everything must be scientifically proven, before someone believes.

The world relies on science and put their trust in science. But what is science? What is science based upon? Is science based upon truth, upon facts, or upon assumptions?

wisdom of this world is foolishness for God, foolWhen we go back to the roots of science, we see that science originates from Greek philosophy. We all know that Greek philosophy is the wisdom of mankind, the Greek, and not of God

Philosophy is translated from the Greek word ‘philosophia’, which means ‘love for wisdom’.

Bibelen sier, that the wisdom of God is foolishness for the Greek.

Therefore the science of this world and the wisdom of God can’t be joined together. Because philosophers have natural wisdom, and God’s wisdom is not natural, but it’s spiritual (Les også: Do the Bible and science go together?).

If science is really trustworthy, as the world says, then why do scientists revise many scientific theories, which are based on scientific evidence, on a regular basis?

People want to have proof first, before they believe something. På grunn av det, many scientists, who say they are Christians, want to turn God’s Word into a science of man. They want to prove the BIble and the existence of God and Jesus scientifically. But why are they trying so hard to prove the Bible scientifically?

If faith must be scientifically proven, it’s no longer faith

If faith must be scientifically proven, then you can’t call it faith anymore. Because on what is faith based upon? On Jesus Christ, det levende ord? Or on theories of man?

The Spirit shall never become flesh and the flesh shall never become Spirit. They will always represent two different worlds. It is either the one, or the other. The Spirit shall always strive against the flesh, and the flesh shall always strive against the Spirit.

Therefore stop trying to prove the Bible scientifically. It is God’s Word and His Word is true and is settled forever. You either believe it, or you don’t (Les også: God’s Word is settled forever).

Preaching the crucified Christ brings man to repentance

Paul didn’t have to prove himself against the Greek. Paul preached the crucified Christ, which brought them to anger. Paul didn’t came with philosophical evidence, nor with enticing words, but with the Word in power.

Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at handThe truth of the Word, the crucified Christ and the power of God brought them to repentance and not Paul’s carnal wisdom and knowledge.

When you think, that you can bring people (including scientists) to repentance by explaining the Bible scientifically or by a scientific approach, you will never succeed. Maybe there are one or two exceptions, but that’s it.

A sinner shall repent and shall believe by the hearing of the Word and the power of the Holy Spirit, Who convicts the sinner of sin.

The Holy Spirit shall reveal to man their sinful state, which shall draw them to repentance. The Kingdom of God is not in word, but in power (1 Korinterne 4:20).

This shall never change, because God is the same yesterday, i dag, and forever more.

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