Do Christians believe in the resurrection of Jesus?

Every year, Christians celebrate the Resurrection Day of Jesus Christ. But although Christians celebrate and confess the resurrection of Jesus, do Christians believe in the resurrection of Jesus from the dead or do they only celebrate the resurrection of Jesus because of tradition and confess the resurrection of Jesus because it’s part of the Christian faith? Does the walk of Christians confirm their faith in the resurrection of Jesus Christ?

Christians believe in the resurrection of Jesus, but say they are sinners?

For if the dead rise not, then is not Christ raised: And if Christ be not raised, your faith is vain; ye are yet in your sins (1 corintios 15:16-17)

If you call yourself a Christian but still believe that you are a poor sinner and that you are powerless and because of this belief, you keep doing the works of the flesh and persevere in sin, you don’t believe in the resurrection of Jesus from the dead.

1 John 3:5-6 En él no hay pecado, quien permanece en él no peca

This is what the Word says, because you believe that you are still in your sins and will remain in your sins. Since a sinner is not redeemed from his sins, but still lives in his sins in enmity with God.

The cross and the blood of Jesus are often used as a permit to sin, but the cross and the blood of Jesus are never meant to be used as a permit to keep sinning and to justify sin and to compromise with the sins of people, but to destroy sin and the sinful nature of man (Leer también: ¿Puedes seguir pecando bajo la gracia?? y The love and grace of God doesn’t compromise with sin)

As long as a person wants to sin and uses Bible verses, que están sacados de contexto, to approve his sins and sinful behavior and the person can keep sinning without feeling guilty and serve the will and the lusts of the flesh, it proves that the person is still the old man with his sin nature and still love sin (Oh. John 8:34, romanos 6, Gálatas 5:19-21, 1 John 2:15-17; 3:7-11).

Jesus has not only taken care of the fruit of death, which is sin, but with the death, which reigns in the (pecaminoso) flesh of the old man (Oh. romanos 3:23-31; 8:1-4, Efesios 1:7, colosenses 1:13-23, Hebreos 9:11-15; 13:12, 2 Pedro 1:4, 1 John 1:7). 

Jesus has overcome the devil and death! The death is defeated and is put in submission to Jesus, since Jesus has the keys of hell and death. And eventually, death shall be the last enemy, which shall be destroyed and cast into the eternal lake of fire (Oh. 1 corintios 15:24-28, 2 Timoteo 1:10, Hebreeën 2:14. Revelación 1:18; 20:14).

The weakness of the flesh

What God’s people couldn’t do in the Old Covenant because of the weakness of the flesh, wherein sin and death reign, God’s people could do in the New Covenant, by faith and regeneration in Christ, which means the death of the flesh (anciano) and the resurrection from the spirit from the dead (hombre nuevo (Oh. romanos 3:31; 6:19-23;8:1-4 Leer también: Que el pecado ya no reine como rey)).

The power of the Spirit

Bendito sea el Dios y Padre de nuestro Señor Jesucristo, which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, A una herencia incorruptible, y sin mancha, y eso no se desvanece, reservado en el cielo para ti, Quienes son guardados por el poder de Dios mediante la fe para la salvación lista para ser revelada en el tiempo postrero. (1 Pedro 1:3-5)

If you believe in the resurrection of Jesus Christ, you believe that Jesus has overcome the devil and death and that Jesus has all authority in heaven and on earth. 

If you believe in the resurrection of Jesus, you believe in regeneration.

romanos 6-5 if we have been placed in the likeness of His death resurrection in Him

And if you are born of water and Spirit and have become a son of God (esto se aplica tanto a hombres como a mujeres), you are no longer a sinner, who has the devil as father and is an enemy of God and lives in rebellion and disobedience to God and His Word in iniquity in darkness, because you are dead to sin, que reina en el viejo.

You have been justified in Christ by His blood and have become righteous and holy (set apart from the world and devoted unto God) and belong to God and live in union with Him and shall do the righteous works of faith and bear the fruit of the Spirit(Oh. romanos 5:9-10, 2 corintios 5:21, Efesios 1:7, colosenses 1:14 (Leer también: ¿Qué pasa con la gracia y las obras??).

From your new position in Christ, you shall walk after the Spirit by faith in obedience to Him and dejar de lado al viejo y ponte el hombre nuevo and live as a victor.

If you believe in the resurrection of Jesus Christ and you have been quickened in Him through regeneration, you shall no longer remain silent and compromise with the world and approve of sin and let the sinners, who belong to death and live as slaves of sin in darkness, ser. Because you want them to be saved as well.

Therefore you shall be a living hope for sinners and preach in boldness in the power of the Holy Spirit the truth and the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Living Hope for all people, so that they will also hear the truth and have the ability to be delivered from the power of darkness by faith and regeneration in Christ and receive power to become sons of God and become partakers of the Divine nature and in the resurrection of the dead and the judgment, inherit eternal life.

Se la sal de la tierra’

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