Discretion and knowledge

putra abdi, merhatikeun hikmah abdi, jeung sujud ceuli anjeun kana pamahaman kuring: Anu anjeun tiasa nganggap kawijaksanaan, sarta yén biwir anjeun bisa ngajaga pangaweruh (Paribasa 5:1-2)

The Father tells you, that you should attend unto His wisdom, and not yours. You should bow your ears to His understanding, and not yours.

Why should you attend unto His wisdom, and listen to His understanding? Jadina, you may regard discretion, and that your lips may keep knowledge.

When you attend unto His wisdom, and listen to His understanding means, that if you attend unto, and listen to the words of God and apply them, then you shall be discrete. You shall speak the words of God and therefore you shall speak words of knowledge.

'Janten uyah bumi’

Anjeun Bisa ogé Suka

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