¿Cuál es el peligro de la meditación??

Se supone que la meditación es buena para ti y debería tener un efecto positivo en la sociedad.. Un mejor enfoque, concentración, improving memory and emotional processing, encontrar tu "yo" interior, paz interior, iluminación, cicatrización, felicidad, reducir la ansiedad, estrés, miedo, y depresión. These are just some of the wonderful promises that persuade people, incluyendo cristianos, to meditate. They think meditation is beneficial and has a positive impact on their lives, especially transcendental meditation. They don’t consider the negative side effects of meditation. But is meditation good for you or is meditation dangerous and a gateway to evil, ansiedad, y desastre? Should Christians practice meditation or is meditation a sin? What is the spiritual danger of meditation that many people are not aware of?

The influence of meditation in Western society

Solo por un momento, withdraw yourself from your busy life, empty your mind, unwind, and relax, to experience inner peace. It sounds so good and promising. And even (médico) science substantiates the claims of the benefits of meditation and promotes meditation. Por eso, meditation has become part of Western society.

Many schools, compañías, (gubernamental) agencias, instituciones de salud, y (Deportes) clubs implemented meditation, without knowing the danger of meditation.

The Eastern spirit blows over the West, and very subtly and slowly the Easter spirit takes possession of the West.

Even churches and Christians, who supposed to be spiritual and know the spiritual danger of meditation, succumbed to the meditation hype. Due to this deceptive wandering spirit and the lack of spiritual knowledge, muchosLas iglesias se han vuelto ocultas. through the lives of carnal Christians.

Many Christians have been seduced by these Eastern religions and philosophies and their occult practices, incluyendo la meditación. They apply meditation techniques thinking that meditation is beneficial and don’t see the spiritual danger of meditation. They meditate to find their inner ‘self’ and inner peace. But is this Biblical?

Should Christians meditate or is meditation a sin? What does the Bible say about meditation and the danger of meditation? To answer these questions, let us first look at the practice and history of meditation.

¿Qué es la meditación??

Meditation is a method that uses natural techniques to connect with your inner ‘self’; tu alma. A través de la meditación, you gain insights into yourself, strengthen yourself, y experimentar la paz interior.

Puedes meditar en tu respiración., un cierto pensamiento, palabra(s), mantra(s), objeto, persona(s), actividad, etc..

La meditación es parte del camino budista hacia la iluminación. (despertar); El estado de Nirvana y la autorrealización.

¿Cuál es el origen de la meditación??

Meditación, especialmente la Meditación Trascendental (which is most practiced in Western society), tiene su origen en el hinduismo y el budismo. As you might know, Buddhism originated from Hinduism.

The oldest sacred texts that mention meditation are the Vedas. What does Vedas mean? Vedas means knowledge and originates from ancient India.

What are Vedas? Vedas are the oldest scriptures of Hinduism. From the Vedas, the practice of meditation evolved. Throughout the ages, many forms of meditation have developed.

Mediation originates from Hinduism and has influenced many cultures and religions. These different cultures and religions created different forms of meditation. Sin embargo, the spiritual roots of the practice of meditation are in Hinduism.

What are the types of meditation?

There are many types of meditation. A list of types of meditation is:

  • Transcendental meditation (usa mantras)
  • Body scan meditation
  • Breathing meditation
  • Contemplation
  • Dance meditation
  • meditación metta (meditación de concentración)
  • Mindfulness meditación
  • Reiki meditación
  • el no puede meditar (meditación de concentración)
  • Meditación tranquila (meditación intuitiva)
  • meditación vipassana (meditación intuitiva)
  • meditación zen

¿Cuál es el peligro espiritual de la meditación??

Muchas personas, incluyendo cristianos, are not aware of the spiritual danger of meditation. They think they can separate the religious and spiritual aspects and origin from Eastern religions and philosophies and its practices. pero eso es imposible! Since the religions, filosofías, y las prácticas derivan de lo espiritual. (Leer también: ¿Se puede separar lo espiritual de las filosofías y prácticas orientales??).

cuando meditas, you use Eastern methods that originated from pagan religions and philosophies. These Eastern meditation methods are created, desarrollado, e inspirado por la canalización con guías espirituales o entidades. These spirit guides or entities are in reality evil spirits (demonios). 

Dos formas de entrar en el reino espiritual., prayer vs meditation

When you enter the spiritual realm out of the flesh (alma y cuerpo), and from your soul search for connections in the spiritual realm, you enter the territory of the devil (oscuridad) and open yourself to evil spirits that enter your life.

When you meditate and apply meditation technics, you apply technics, which originally derived from evil spirits.

By practicing meditation methods, you submit to evil spirits. Because you believe that when you practice these meditation techniques you find and get, what you look for and want and what is promised.

You follow the words and techniques of people, who opened themselves to evil spirits. People who channeled with evil spirits and were inspired by these evil spirits.

By submitting to these evil spirits and have communion with them, you allow them into your life. You give control to them over your soul and body. Desde ese momento, evil spirits will enter your life.

These evil spirits control and guide you through your senses, pensamientos, sentimientos, emociones, voluntad, y el cuerpo.

What are the negative side effects of meditation?

Al principio, you feel great and peaceful and experience pleasant feelings. Maybe you experienced depression, ansiedad, worry, or stress, and by meditating, these negative and destructive feelings disappeared. At that moment you don’t see any danger of meditation, on the contrary, you experience good things.

Pero esto sólo será temporal.. Porque los espíritus malignos no dicen la verdad, but they lie. Evil spirits never give something for free. They always want something in return.

They gave you (temporario) peace in exchange for your soul. Since you listened to them and believed and obeyed them by practicing meditation and bowing down to them.

These evil spirits operate from your soul and start their destructive work in your life.

Who do you believe God or the devil?

Paz te dejo, Mi paz os doy: no como el mundo da, te doy. No dejes que tu corazón esté preocupado, ni que tenga miedo (John 14:27)

La biblia (la palabra de Dios) dice, 'La paz os dejo, Mi paz os doy”. But instead of believing the words of God, Christians believe the words of evil spirits, which are spoken through the mouths of people, who denied God, y decir, “If you want to experience rest and peace in your life, then you have to bow down for me and follow these techniques and methods and I give you rest and peace.”

Pero si escuchas al diablo, le obedeces y te inclinas ante él, nunca conseguirás lo que promete. Because the devil is a liar.

The devil wants to be the god of people. He wants the people to worship him and exhalt him. El propósito del diablo y los espíritus malignos es manifestar el reino de las tinieblas en la tierra.. He can only do this through the lives of people. Therefore they try to control as many people as possible. They darken their minds, so that they don’t see the danger of meditation and fall into the trap of the devil.

The more people believe their lies, the more people bow down to them, submit to them, and give control to them. This way, they gain more power and the darkness increases on earth. (Leer también: El poder del diablo es impulsado por el pecado.).

Demonic spirits are eager to give what carnal people desire, need, and ask for. As long as people yield to them and stay in the kingdom of darkness.

What is the carnal result of meditation?

El ladrón no viene, pero para robar, y matar, y destruir: He venido para que tengan vida., y para que lo tengan en abundancia (John 10:10).

The purpose of the devil and evil spirits is to steal, matar, y destruir. Primero, the devil will give you what you asked and searched for. But this is only temporary and will change soon.

Your feelings of happiness and peace shall change. Because you were not spiritually awake and watched and didn’t see the spiritual danger of meditation, you shall experience the carnal result of meditation aka the negative side effects of meditation. You shall feel weird and (extremely) tired and maybe experience headaches. Inmundo (sexual) Los sentimientos entrarán en tu mente y te acosarán..

Puede experimentar dificultad para concentrarse., problemas para dormir (insomnio), ansiedad. You may experience changes in your behavior, like mood swings, falta de paciencia, ira incontrolable, o ataques repentinos de ira que causan violencia verbal y/o comportamiento violento (abuso doméstico). 

Maybe you start hearing voices in your head, dictating to you what to do.

A través de la meditación, espíritus malignos de impureza sexual, fornicación, adulterio, divorcio, idolatría, adiccion, and violence, (enfermedad mental y fisica) enter and control your mind and manifest in your life.

Muchas personas, who have engaged in meditation and entered the occult realm from their soul, became victims of the devil and suffer from mental illness.

What is the Danger of transcendental meditation?

Hay mucha gente, who practiced transcendental meditation and became anxious, distressed, or depressed after (trascendental) meditación.

Many people suffer from severe mental health issues, adicciones, and/or have become violent towards themselves and others. They struggle with intrusive thoughts, pensamientos depresivos, ataques de pánico, ansiedad, miedos, pensamientos suicidas, or end up in psychosis.

Instead of finding themselves and finding peace and happiness through transcendental meditation, they found the opposite. They became worse than they were before practicing transcendental meditation

¿Existe la meditación cristiana??

¿Existe la meditación cristiana?? Of course not! Although there are so-called Christians, who say they practice Christian meditation or a derivative of meditation, like a (meditativo) oración con cuentas de oración, oración contemplativa, oración centrada, Lectio Divina (lectura contemplativa de la biblia), Escaneos corporales cristianos, Retiros cristianos de silencio. Pero la verdad es, No existe la meditación cristiana..

¿No es extraño?, that the Bible exist for ages and suddenly in the last 20 years all kinds of strange doctrines and methods, which are copied from Eastern religions, filosofías, y new-age cults, appear and are taught and applied in churches?

If meditation were a Biblical principle and practiced, why isn’t it mentioned in the Bible and included in the Law? Wouldn’t God’s people practiced it for ages? Que no es el caso. Al menos, when you read the Bible in the whole and right context. Instead of picking and choosing a word or a part of a sentence, change it and build your doctrine upon it. 

Are contemplative prayer, oración centrada, and lectio divina Biblical?

Oración contemplativa, oración centrada, and Lectio Divina are just some of the many occult practices that the catholic church has practiced for ages. Sin embargo, we must remember, that the catholic church went astray and adopted occult practices from pagan religions, filosofías, y culturas, in the very early stage of Christianity. Why did the catholic church adopt paganism? The catholic church adopted paganism to attract unbelievers to the church.

The church compromised. Como resultado, la iglesia se convirtió en la iglesia católica; la iglesia adúltera y universal que está llena de idolatría, rituales y practicas ocultas, y la impureza sexual. 

The devil succeeded then in seducing the church. And the devil still succeeds in seducing the church with the same subtle techniques.

Because not only the catholic church, but almost all denominations succumbed and are defiled and influenced by the powers of darkness and became occult churches. They didn’t see the spiritual danger of meditation and all other pagan doctrines and rituals. (Leer también: la iglesia oculta).

Nowhere in the New Testament, do we read about Christian meditation, as practiced today. No leemos que Jesús meditó. Sin embargo, some false teachers contradict this. They say that Jesus meditated. But that’s a lie from the pit of hell. 

¿Jesús meditó??

Jesus didn’t meditate but Jesus prayed. Jesús pasó mucho tiempo con su Padre en oración.. He didn’t use carnal methods and techniques to empty His mind, seek His Father, become one with His Father, and have a mystical experience in His flesh (sentimientos y emociones), and experience His love or connect Himself to His inner ‘Self’. 

Jesus knew who He was. He lived in union with the Father through the Spirit. Jesús sabía que era el Hijo de Dios y conocía la voluntad y el amor de su Padre.. If Jesus meditated to feel the oneness with God and experience the love of His Father in His flesh, Jesus would have walked after the flesh and led by the flesh. Pero Jesús caminó por fe según el Espíritu y no según la carne..

Mateo 6-10 Thy Kingdom come thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven

We also don’t read anything about Jesus commanding His disciples to meditate.

Jesus never instructed His disciples to apply carnal techniques and methods to ‘get there’ or for ‘self-salvation’.

We also don’t read that the disciples meditated and practiced meditation methods. The disciples prayed, que es completamente diferente!

Cuando los discípulos eran la vieja creación, Le pidieron a Jesucristo que les enseñara a orar.. Jesus taught them how to pray.

In the prayer of Jesus, the will of God and His Kingdom are the center and not (La voluntad de) people and not people’s earthly kingdom. 

When the disciples became the new creation, no necesitaban que nadie les enseñara a orar. Because their spirit was raised from the dead. And the Holy Spirit, quien habitaba en ellos, taught them and directed them in their prayers. If they didn’t know what to pray, the Holy Spirit helped in their infirmities (romanos 8:26=27)

Jesus and His disciples prayed

Jesús y los discípulos oraron al Padre.. But they didn’t use all kinds of carnal techniques and methods to ‘become more spiritual’, experience carnal warm and fuzzy feelings of love or unity, or receive (material) bendiciones para ellos mismos. They died to ‘self’; they died to the will, deseos, y deseos de la carne. Por lo tanto, their prayers focused on the will of God and establishing and enlarging the Kingdom of God on earth.

But because many Christians are not born again and are not spiritual but carnal and still belong to the generation of fallen man and the world, they are subject to the spirits of this world and don’t see the danger of meditation.

They live under the dominion of worldly spirits (elements of this world). These worldly spirits cause Christians to adopt and apply the carnal knowledge, sabiduría, religiones, filosofías, técnicas, métodos, and practices of the world into their lives.

How Christians have christianized meditation?

To justify meditation and make meditation approved in the church, sin sentirme culpable hacia Dios, carnal Christians have poured out a pious Christian sauce over the practice of meditation by putting the word ‘Christianin front of meditation. This way, they can join the world instead of being excluded.

salsa cristiana, cristianizar las cosas de este mundo

Y así surgió la meditación cristiana y muchos de los llamados cristianos, incluyendo teólogos y líderes de la iglesia, practice meditation.

Many Christians don’t have time to pray and read and study the Bible in the whole and right context (Esto no significa Lectio Divina). Por qué? Because they are too busy with their daily lives, (social) medios de comunicación, (social) actividades, y entretenimiento. 

Sin embargo, they do have time to meditate. And if they don’t, they make time to meditate and empty their minds and focus and search for their inner self and oneness with God and have a mystical experience with God and feel God’s presence and His feelings of love for them. 

La carne no quiere someterse a la voluntad de Dios y orar.. But the flesh wants to meditate. This proves the flesh still reigns and the ‘self’ is still alive and sits on the throne of someone’s life.

A carnal church rejects sanctification and embraces sin

Many churches reject repentance, sanctification and the removal of sin. Por eso, the people don’t change but stay carnal and persevere in sin and allow and approve of sin in the church.

They reject the bautismo en agua and with the Holy Spirit. They also reject speaking in tongues, which is a commandment of Jesus Christ in the Bible. But the churches allow occult Eastern practices that derive from the carnal mind of people, who were influenced by demonic spirits, and they bow down to the god of this world.

This proves the churches are carnal. Therefore they don’t see the spiritual danger of meditation or any other occult practice. And because they don’t see the spiritual danger of meditation, they practice meditation.

The people want short sermons and church services. So that people have more time to fellowship. But meditating in a lotus or combined prayer position on a mat on the cold floor in the church for an hour is not a problem.

¿Qué dice la Biblia sobre la meditación??

meditation in the Old Testament

There is no Biblical meditation. La palabra "meditar", in the Old Testament of the Bible, refers to the remembrance of God’s laws, His words that represent His will, and what God had done. So that His people knew the will of God and His acts forever.

By meditating on the laws and words of God, God’s law would be in the minds of His people. Since the mind determines every word and deed, the people of God would live according to the will of God and would honor and exalt Him through their obedience to His law; Su voluntad.

The meditation in the Bible didn’t refer to connections in the spiritual realm, searching the will of God, and experiencing and feeling God’s presence and oneness with God. Since God had made His will known to His people by giving the law. But the meditation in the Old Testament referred to getting to know God and the will of God by meditating on the law of God.

Este El libro de la ley no se apartará de tu boca.”

Sólo sé fuerte y muy valiente., para que guardes hacer conforme a toda la ley, que mi siervo Moisés te mandó: No te apartes de ella ni a derecha ni a izquierda., para que seas prosperado dondequiera que vayas. Este libro de la ley no se apartará de tu boca.; pero tú deberás meditar allí día y noche, para que guardes hacer conforme a todo lo que allí está escrito: porque entonces harás prosperar tu camino, y entonces tendrás buen éxito (Josué 1:7-8)

Por ejemplo, Josué tuvo que meditar en la ley de Dios día y noche. Por qué? Para que la ley de Dios, que revela la voluntad de Dios, be known by Joshua, quien tuvo que guiar al pueblo de Dios.

Como líder del pueblo de Dios, Josué tenía que conocer la voluntad de Dios., and obey and keep the will of God in everything he did. So that Joshua and God’s people would walk according to the will of God and God would be with him (and His people) and bless him and make his ways prosperous.

David meditated on the Law of God

David meditó en la ley de Dios todo el día.. Esto no significa, that David sat on a mat in a lotus position facing the East the whole day and meditated in silence. No, it meant that God’s will was written in David’s mind. David was delighted to live according to God’s will. David hoped that the meditations of his heart, upon which the law of God was written, le agradaban. (Oh. salmos 5:1-2; 19:14; 49:3; 104:34-35;119:97-104).

Salmo 19-14 Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight

Si solo la gente, quien va a la iglesia, read and study the Bible, renew their minds with the Word of God, y meditar en la voluntad de Dios, as in the Old Testament, they would know the will of God. And if they love God, their lives will be according to the will of God. (Leer también: ¿Amas a Dios con todo tu corazón??).

Then they would fear the Lord and love God with all their heart, mente, alma, y fuerza. They’d see the spiritual danger of meditation.

They would stay faithful to God, instead of committing idolatry by following false religions and philosophies, adopting their techniques, métodos, rituales, objects and serving false gods, and practicing sexual uncleanness.

They’d love their neighbor as themselves and wouldn’t commit fornication or adultery and divorce their spouse but stay loyal to their vow. no robarian.

The children wouldn’t rebel against their parents, sino respetar a sus padres y honrarlos.

“¡Oh, cuánto amo yo tu ley!! Es mi meditación todo el día”

ellos no matarían, but let others live (incluyendo bebes). ya no mentirían, sino hablad la verdad y predicad el evangelio de Jesucristo, y no os avergoncéis. And they would be satisfied and no longer covet the possessions of their neighbors.

But the people don’t do that. 

Joshua and David belonged to the generation of the old creation (te caes) and not the new man, who has been restored and made whole in Christ. Por lo tanto, let’s look at what is written in the New Testament about meditation.

meditation in the New Testament

Pero antes de todo esto, pondrán sus manos sobre ti, y perseguirte, entregándoos a las sinagogas, y en prisiones, ser llevado ante reyes y gobernantes por amor de mi nombre. Y se volverá hacia vosotros en testimonio. Establecedlo, pues, en vuestros corazones., No a meditar antes de lo que responderéis: Porque os daré boca y sabiduría., que todos tus adversarios no podrán contradecir ni resistir (lucas 21:12-15)

Jesús dijo a sus discípulos, that if the people persecuted them, put them into prison, and brought them before kings and rulers, they wouldn’t have to meditate before what they would answer, ya que Jesús les daría boca y sabiduría.

La palabra "meditación’ no se relacionaba con la meditación oriental, which is practiced today

Hasta que venga, dar asistencia a la lectura, a la exhortación, a la doctrina. No descuides el don que hay en ti, que te fue dada por profecía, con la imposición de manos del presbiterio. Meditar sobre estas cosas; entrégate por completo a ellos; para que tu provecho aparezca a todos. Ten cuidado de ti mismo, y a la doctrina; continuar en ellos: porque haciendo esto te salvarás a ti mismo, y los que te escuchan (1 Timoteo 4:13-16)

Paul commanded Timothy to stay faithful to the sound gospel of Jesus Christ. He urged Timothy to give attendance to reading, exhortación, and doctrine. Paul commanded Timothy to take heed to himself and meditate on all that was taught and give himself to it.

De nuevo, the word ‘meditate’ didn’t refer to the Eastern practice of meditation. This meditation had nothing to do with the natural well-being and consciousness of people, but the will of Jesus and the will of the Father and keeping the gospel of Jesus sound.

“Porque esta es la voluntad de Dios, incluso tu santificación” 

Porque todo gira en torno a la voluntad de Dios.. En el Antiguo Testamento, it was all about following the Law of God that represented the will of God. El Law of Moses was a teacher for God’s people that set them apart from the pagan nations and warned them and protected and kept them from the pagan knowledge, sabiduría, religión, filosofías, practicas, y rituales. Porque Dios quería un pueblo santo, who separated themselves from the pagan nations who were evil and served the devil.

Bible verse 1 tesalonicenses 4-3 will of God sanctification

God wanted His people to be devoted to Him and know Sus pensamientos and His will.

God wanted His people to walk in His will and His ways and please Him, instead of committing the same abominations as the evil pagan nations practiced, que no conoció a Dios pero sirvió a otros dioses (el diablo y los demonios).

Y en el Nuevo Pacto, it’s about faith in Jesus Christ and regeneration in Him (lay down the sinful flesh of the anciano y ponte el hombre nuevo, quien se renueva en conocimiento a imagen de aquel que lo creó. (colosenses 3:10)).

Significa separación del mundo. (sistema mundial). Following the Word of God, and walking after the Spirit in the will of God.

The law of God is written in the mind and upon the heart of the new man (nueva creación), through the baptism with the Holy Spirit And because the law is written in the mind and upon the heart of the new man, the new man walks after the will of God and pleases God.

This shall cause conflicts and persecution in the world. Since the new man no longer belongs to the world, sino al Reino de los Cielos.

Meditation in the Bible referred to the will of God

Si te has convertido en una nueva creación, you want to please God. And if you please God, you displease the world and bear the consequences of your new life in Christ. If you are not able to bear the consequences of your new life in Christ, and want to please the world, entonces desagradarás a Dios.

La meditación en la Biblia se refería al conocimiento de la voluntad de Dios., through His words in the Bible. It refers to doing the will of God and meant to please God instead of man.

How do you search for your inner self?

En meditación, la atención se centra en "yo". You are the center. If you meditate to search for your inner ‘self’ and to experience peace and rest or you search for a mystical experience with God or a spiritual deepening, entonces aún no has encontrado la Verdad Jesucristo y no has nacido de nuevo.

Porque, a través de la regeneración, la carne del viejo, incluido el "yo" está crucificado en Cristo. Por lo tanto, how can you search for your inner self? How can you make a connection with your inner ‘self’ if your ‘self’ has died in Christ and no longer lives?

¿Es lo mismo la meditación que la oración??

¿Es lo mismo la meditación que la oración?? No, La meditación no es lo mismo que la oración.. Y ya era hora, esa gente, who say they are Christians and claim to be born again and know God, stop with all this junk, repent of their sinful practices, and become aware of the spiritual danger of meditation.

Meditation focuses on ‘self’. It focuses on the enrichment of ‘self’, the improvement of your ‘self’, and the redemption of ‘self’, with the ultimate goal of reaching the state of enlightenment; nirvana 

Meditation is part of the eight-fold path in Buddhism and focuses on the ‘self’. All the techniques and methods are for self-redemption. En lugar de hacer que una persona sea más pacífica y amorosa, hace que una persona sea más egoísta.

Prayer focus not on ‘self’. But prayer focuses on Jesus Christ and His Kingdom. You are reconciled with God the Father and have access to the Father, through Jesus Christ and regeneration in Him. Por lo tanto, you may pray directly to the Father. Que privilegio!

You don’t have to follow all kinds of prayer techniques and methods to get there. Because through regeneration in Christ, ya estás allí.

Why the devil wants Christians to stop praying and start meditating?

Prayer is communion with the Father through Jesus Christ. Prayer is a spiritual weapon in the spiritual war. Besides the Word, prayer is extremely important in the spiritual battle between the Kingdom of God and the darkness.

The devil knows the importance of prayer. Therefore he has one goal and that is to make fervent prayers lukewarm and eliminate them. The devil seduces everyone in the flesh (alma y cuerpo) because that is his territory.

As long as Christians stay carnal and walk after the flesh, their carnal mind will not discern the spirits, and not see the danger of meditation and fall into his trap. They shall believe his lies, submit to him, and pray less, or even stop praying and forsake prayer meetings. And because many don’t see the spiritual danger of meditation, they start meditating.

La meditación no está siendo atacada sino promovida.

De nuevo, la gente no quiere inclinarse y arrodillarse en la iglesia para orar a Dios. But for Christian meditation, they are eager to roll out their mat and bow down and take their position and focus on ‘self’ and use Christian mantras (palabras cristianas, como Dios, Jesús, Maranata, etc.) para relajarse y experimentar sensaciones agradables, which they think originate from God, mientras que en realidad, Estos sentimientos derivan del dios de este mundo.; el diablo.

Many Christians are misled and tempted by the new age spirit that revolves around ‘self

La Iglesia de Jesucristo es un desastre, due to the spiritual havoc the espíritu de la nueva era causado. Muchas iglesias han rechazado al Espíritu Santo, la palabra viva; Jesucristo el Hijo de Dios, and even God the Father. The people have replaced the place of God in the church.

The focus is no longer on Jesus Christ and doing His will (la voluntad del padre) and pleasing Jesus Christ and the Father. But the focus is on ‘self’ and supernatural experiences, sentimientos, señales, and wonders and pleasing ‘self’.

falsos cristos y falsos profetas

Most Christians love their carnal lives. They want to keep their lives and are not willing to lay down their own lives in Christ.

Por eso, they use all kinds of carnal techniques, métodos, and natural means to tap into the spiritual realm and experience supernatural manifestations, sentimientos, y emociones en sus carnes.

By applying occult techniques and methods, they try to become one with God and feel Him. Instead of taking the Bible and getting to know the will of God and submit to Him and do His will in their lives.

Because of this behavior, many Christians are led astray. Many Christians move into the occult and allow evil spirits to inspire them. They communicate with these wicked spirits of darkness that pretend to be Jesus, El espíritu santo, and even God the Father.

Se creen espirituales y agradan a Dios., mientras que en realidad, El único dios que agradan es el diablo..

What are the signs of Christians moving into the occult?

How do you know when Christians move in the occult? Some visible signs that Christians move into the occult are tiredness, insomnio, mental disorders, enojo, and especially sexual uncleanness.

As the Church of Jesus Christ, you should stay within the framework of the Bible and reject every strange doctrine or heresy, that originates from carnal wisdom, conocimiento, opinión, recomendaciones, sentimientos, y experiencias, que se desvían de la Palabra de Dios.

La Iglesia debería probar los espíritus

Amado, No creas en todos los espíritus., pero prueba los espíritus si son de Dios: porque muchos falsos profetas han salido al mundo (1 John 4:1)

La Palabra dice, que tenemos que probar los espíritus si son de Dios. Many people possess a spirit that pretends to be Jesus or the Holy Spirit, while in reality is an evil spirit that belongs to the kingdom of darkness. This evil spirit lies and keeps the person in bondage and ensures the person stays carnal, keeps doing the works of the flesh, and perseveres in sin.

Y tantas iglesias permiten que los espíritus, que aceptan y promueven el pecado, deny God the Creator of heaven and earth, and adopt pagan religions, filosofías, rituales, técnicas, y métodos y desviar a los creyentes y hacerlos tibios y pasivos para Dios y Su Reino.

The Church should preach the true gospel of Jesus Christ again

Pero ya es hora de que el verdadero evangelio de Jesucristo, la Cruz, su sangre, arrepentimiento, and sanctification will be preached again.

It’s time that the flesh of the old man dies. That the spirit of the new man rises from the dead and puts off the works of the old man. De modo que, a real revival takes place and the Church becomes awake and alive

It’s time that believers take their Bible. Fill and renew their minds with the Word of God. So that they get to know the will of God, vivir según la voluntad de Dios, and be witnesses of Jesus Christ on earth. Instead of emptying their minds, turn off their minds through meditation and become a channel of evil spirits.

It’s time that Christians wake up and see the spiritual danger of meditation and remove the practice of meditation from their lives.

Ya es hora de enfrentar a los impíos, los pecadores, with their evil works and make the danger of meditation and other occult practices known to them and call them to repentance. Instead of compromising and condone their sins and joining them and glorifying the devil and the unclean spirits of the kingdom of darkness.

Therefore repent of your sins. Remove these occult practices of new age and Eastern religions from your life. Be redeemed through Christ and become a new creation in Christ and enter His rest (Hebreos 4).

Read and study the Bible. Renew your mind with the words of God. De modo que, you get to know Jesus and the Father and their will and serve God. Instead of listening to the voice of your carnal will, sentimientos, emociones, deseos, y deseos. And through your flesh serve the devil and the poor worldly spirit and live in bondage in darkness.

Is meditation a sin?

You can meditate on religious words, parts of the Scriptures, Dios, Jesús, o el espíritu santo. But that doesn’t make any difference to the heathen practice of meditation, which you practice, and your participation in the spiritual realm with evil spirits.

You can think what you want and make yourself believe that there is no danger of meditation. You can manipulate your thoughts and feelings, but that doesn’t change the truth and the danger of meditation or make the practice of meditation right.

Is meditation a sin? Meditation is a pagan method that derives from Hinduism, which is an abomination to God. It shall always remain an abomination to God. Therefore meditation is a sin, despite the opinions of people.

¿Estás buscando descanso y paz??

como yo, todos los que estáis trabajados y cargados, y te daré descanso. Toma mi yugo sobre ti, y aprende de mi; porque soy manso y humilde de corazón: y encontraréis descanso para vuestras almas. Para mi yugo es fácil, y mi carga es ligera (Mateo 11:28-30)

Meditation doesn’t give you and everlasting rest and peace. Meditation is not the way to redemption. It is not the way to salvation. solo hay una persona, who can give you everlasting rest and peace and save you and that is Jesus Christ, el Hijo del Dios Viviente! 

Jesus Christ took all your sins and iniquities upon Him and died on the cross and entered infierno (infierno). After three days, Jesus rose from the dead as Victor with the keys of hell and death.

Jesus gave everyone the opportunity to be redeemed from the sinful nature of the old man (te caes) and become a new man through faith and regeneration in Him and be reconciled with God. (Leer también: ¿Cuál es el verdadero significado de la cruz??)

How to repent of meditation?

If are a Christian and you were not aware of the danger of meditation and practiced meditation and you experience demonic influences in your life (personal life, casamiento, family life), then all you have to do is ask forgiveness and repent of your sins and renounce your sins and command every evil spirit to leave your life in the Name of Jesus.

If you are not Christian, but you believe that Jesus died on the cross for you and is risen from the death and brought salvation, so that you could be delivered from the power of the devil and darkness, then all you have to do is turn to Christ and ask Him to come into your life. Repent of your sins and your old life as a sinner and become born again in Christ through the death of the flesh and the resurrection of your spirit from the dead (bautismo) and be reconciled with God by the blood of Jesus and receive the Holy Spirit.

How can you experience the peace of God in your life?

I you are a born-again Christians, then you don’t have to look for peace. You don’t have to apply all kinds of carnal techniques, métodos, and use natural means to get what you want, as in pagan religions and philosophies. Porque por la fe y la regeneración en Jesucristo y por su sangre, ya estás allí (la posición restaurada en Cristo).

If you are born again you have the peace of God, que sobrepasa todo entendimiento, inside of you. Because the reino de Dios, que esta en ti, es justicia, paz, and joy through the Holy Ghost.

Si no tienes paz en tu vida, you haven’t found the Truth yet. Si no has encontrado la verdad, ya es hora de buscar la verdad (Leer también: Si has encontrado la verdad, ¿Por qué sigues buscando??).

Sé la sal de la tierra'

Fuente: RV, Concordancia de Strong, Wikipedia

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