Priznanje moći protiv duha straha

A confession of power

Toliko je kršćana, koji žive u ropstvu straha. Svaki dan njima upravlja i muči ih duh straha koji kontrolira njihove živote. Kako se osloboditi straha? Ako ste nanovo rođeni kršćanin, you must know you are in a spiritual warfare. You don’t fight against flesh and blood (narod) but against spiritual principalities, ovlasti, and authorities in heavenly places. Your weapons are not carnal, but they are spiritual. The only way to overcome a spirit of fear is from your position in Christ and by taking the Sword of the Spirit, koja je Riječ Božja, into your mouth and speaking His words. You can only attack the lies of the devil and overcome the devil with the truth of God and by faith in Him. The Word says that God has not given you a spirit of fear but a spirit of power, of love, i zdrave pameti. U ovom postu na blogu, you will find a confession of power against the spirit of fear.

Renew your mind with the Word of God

Kad se nanovo rodiš u Kristu, postala si nova kreacija. As a new creation, you must renew your mind with the Word of God.

Only through the Word, will you find out the truth of God about the will of God, who you are in Christ and what position you have in Him, and what you have inherited in Him.

If you don’t know this, you will never walk in it.

Therefore you must renew your mind and get to know the truth and the will of God and apply His words in your life, so that you will spiritually mature and grow up in the image of Christ (Pročitajte također: Zašto je potrebno obnoviti svoj um?).

When you renew your mind, you will think like the Word and when you become a doer of the Word, you will act like the Word.

Priznanje moći protiv duha straha

God has not given me a spirit of fear, već moći, ljubavi i zdrave pameti, the Mind of Christ. Stoga, I do not have a spirit of fear. I have a Spirit of Power, I have a Spirit of Love, I have a Spirit of a Sound Mind, I have the Mind of Christ. I have the Spirit of God living in me.   I am of God and have overcome because greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world.

2 Timothy 1:7 i 1 Ivan 4:4

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