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İsanın qayıdışı

No one knows that day and hour

No one knows that day and hour

When will Jesus return? Is there anyone, who can predict the day and the hour of Jesusreturn? Can anyone discover from the Scriptures in the Bible when Jesus is coming back? The answer is NO! Absolutely not! No one knows

Əncir ağacı məsəlinin mənası Matta 24:32

Əncir ağacı məsəlinin mənası nədir??

After Jesus mentioned all the signs that will take place before Jesusreturn, Jesus told His disciples a parable of the fig tree. Luke not only mentioned the fig tree, but all the trees: “Behold the fig tree, and

The appearance of Jesus

İsa qayıdanda onun görünüşü necə olacaq??

In Matthew 24:30, Jesus was talking about His return and said, and then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven. What does the Bible say about the sign of the Son of man in heaven? What

səhv: Bu məzmun qorunur