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Not my opinion but your opinion

Not my opinion, but Your opinion

As soon as you become a new creation in Jesus Christ and be transferred from the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of God, the time of your opinion is over. When you become a son of God and

The mind has a choice

The mind has a choice

The behavior of people and their actions derive from the mind. Kwa hiyo, the mind determines the behavior and actions of people. Before someone does something, a lot has already taken place in the mind. The Bible says, that the

Vita na udhaifu wa mzee Warumi 7

The battle and weakness of the old man

In Romans 7:14-26, Paul wrote to the saints in Rome about the battle and the weakness of the old man. Paul wrote about the old man, who is carnal and is ruled by his sinful nature and a slave

kosa: Maudhui haya yanalindwa