Browsing Category


obedience to His commandments

How do you enter God’s rest?

In Hebrews 4, we read about entering God’s rest. But what is God’s rest? How do you enter God’s rest according to the Bible and live from His rest and experience the peace of God in your life? O…

How to get peace of mind, finding inner peace

How to get peace of mind?

Vivemos em um mundo, where people are always busy. The majority of people have no peace, but are always in a rush. Como resultado, they are easily irritated, edgy, and less tolerant. Muitas pessoas, including Christians, don’t

Storm in your mind by the multitude of thoughts

Storm in your mind by the multitude of thoughts

Do you experience storm in your mind by the multitude of thoughts? Do you lack peace, because of the many thoughts that are running through your head and condemn and controle you? Do you want to know how to

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