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Sanidad y liberación

Liberación del poder de la adicción al alcohol.

Cómo liberarse del poder del alcohol?

El alcoholismo es un espíritu destructivo que controla muchas vidas., incluyendo las vidas de los cristianos. Muchas personas tienen adicción al alcohol y viven esclavizadas por el poder del alcohol.. Sin embargo, no one wants to be labeled as an alcoholic.

Are you a slave of the past

Are you a slave of the past?

The old man always wants to go back to the past and is not able to let go of the past. Muchas personas, incluyendo cristianos, live with a lot of pain, hurt, sadness, angriness, and hate, that are caused

Jehovah Rapha or Mensendieck? The choice is yours..

In the previous blog posts, the origin of doctors and physical therapy was mentioned. In this post, the origin of Mensendieck therapy and what the Bible says about it. Just like physical therapy, there are many people, incluyendo cristianos,…

physical therapist physical therapy christian

Jehovah Rapha or physical therapist? La decisión es tuya…

Many people visit a physical therapist and have physical therapy for various reasons. Physical therapy sounds and looks harmless and many people say it’s beneficial and experience some kind of relief. But what is physical therapy? What is the

no caigas en el agujero de tu pasado

No caigas en el agujero de tu pasado!

Many Christians want to change themselves and instead of following God’s way they follow the way of the world, by following carnal doctrines and applying carnal methods. They go back to the past to analyze themselves and to find

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