Why the Bible is the Truth?

The Bible is the Word of God and the Bible is the Truth of God. If you believe in Jesus Christ, then you believe in the Word. Because Jesus Christ is the living Word made flesh (Johani 1:14). If you believe in the Word, then you believe every word that is written in the Bible. Because if you say, that you believe in Jesus, but are doubting or rejecting certain scriptures in the Bible, then you actually don’t believe in Him. You either believe in Him and believe the whole Word, or you don’t believe in Him and doubt or reject the Word. But why should we trust the Bible? What proof do we have that the Bible is the Truth

The Bible is the Truth

All the words of my mouth are in righteousness; there is nothing froward or perverse in them (Zvirevo 8:8)

Jesus says, that all His words are spoken in righteousness; there is nothing froward or perverse in them. All the words of God, are spoken in righteousness, He has not changed His words or perverted His words. How God thought and felt about things in the Old Testament, has not changed. He still thinks and feels that way. The only difference is, that by the blood of Jesus, we are living in a new covenant.

The Old Covenant has been replaced by a New Covenant

The Old Covenant, with all its rules, laws, commandments, and feasts, was sealed with the blood of animals and has been replaced by a New Covenant. Therefore the Old Covenant has become obsolete. The New Covenant came witha new set of rules, which represent the will of God and is sealed with the blood of Jesus Christ.

Bhaibheri ndiyo kambasi yedu, wana uchenjeri

This New Covenant will not say, that God has changed His will and His mind about certain matters. Because if that would be the case, then His Word wouldn’t be the truth anymore, and wouldn’t be trustworthy and reliable.

If you look at the number of commandments, that God gave to Moses, and His people, and compare those with the commandments that Jesus gave during His ministry, then we see that Jesus gave more commandments than God. And Jesus said, that if you really love Him, you would keep His commandments (Verenga zvakare: ‘The commandments of God and the commandments of Jesus‘).

How is that possible, since no man was able to keep the commandments, which the Lord God gave to Moses, except for Jesus Christ? Why did Jesus went a step further and made the commandments harder and by adding more commandments?

The secret to keep all Gods commandments

The secret is, that by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, you have received a new heart and a new nature; Gods nature (His character). Now when you vandudza pfungwa dzako neShoko raMwari, your mind (your way of thinking) will line up with the Holy Spirit, with God’s nature (character) and His will and therefore you shall automatically keep all His commandments.

Establish the law through faith

His thinking becomes your thinking, and His will, becomes your will.

It will take some time, to renew you mind, and to grow up into the sonship of God. How long it will take depends on you, how much time you spend in the Word and how much you love God.

But if you renew your mind with the Word, then you shall find truth, and wisdom, and walk in it. If you don’t renew your mind with the Word, then you shall keep living like the world in the bondage of sin and you shall live in a lie.

You can rely upon every word that is written in the Bible. Because the reason why the Bible is trustworthy, reliable and the truth is that every prophecy in the Bible has come to pass or still needs to come to pass. But there is not a single prophecy, which God gave that has not been fulfilled.

Therefore stop doubting, but believe the words of God and have faith in Him.

If Jesus says, that all His words are righteous, and truth, then why should you doubt and reject certain scriptures?

It is written

If someone twists the truth of the scriptures, or tells you that the way it is written was not meant that way, or the scriptures are outdated and can’t apply the scriptures in this today’s world. Kana, when someone tells you that God doesn’t mind if someone keeps living in sin, then you can immediately reject those accusations, by saying:

It is written, that every word in the Bible has been spoken in righteousness, uye there is nothing froward or perverse in them. The Word of God is the truth, and will always be the truth.

God is the same, yesterday, today, and forever more. The way God thought about certain matters in the old days has not changed. God still thinks that way! His nature has not changed and His will has not changed. That’s why we can trust God completely.

‘Iva munyu wenyika’

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