¿Cuáles son los 5 componentes esenciales de la regeneración?

When Adam became disobedient to the commandment of God and sinned, sin entered the world. And through sin, death entered. Cada persona, who would be born on this earth of the seed of Adam, would be born with a sinful nature and would bear the penalty of sin, que es la muerte. Every person would be affected by sin and death would be passed on unto all man. Therefore the sinful nature and death reign as king in the person’s life. The creation was affected by evil, defiled, inmundo, and condemned, por lo tanto, there had to come a new creation. The good news is, that when Adam sinned, God had already a redemption plan in mind, namely the redemptive work of Jesus Christ andla nueva creación, who is born in Jesus Christ. How can you become born again in Christ? ¿Cuáles son los 5 componentes esenciales de la regeneración?

Prophecies about the new creation

Entonces os rociaré con agua limpia, y seréis limpios: de toda tu inmundicia, y de todos tus ídolos, ¿Te limpiaré?. También os daré un corazón nuevo., y un espíritu nuevo pondré dentro de ti:y quitaré de vuestra carne el corazón de piedra, y te daré un corazón de carne. And I will put My spirit within you, y os haré andar en mis estatutos, y guardaréis mis juicios, y hazlos(Ezequiel 36:25-27)

A lo largo del Antiguo Testamento, God prophesied through the mouths of His prophets about the new creation. For example in Ezekiel 36, Dios dijo, that man would be cleansed from all filthiness and from all their idols. God would give them a new heart of flesh, and a new spirit. God would justify man and make them holy and righteous, so that God could have communion with man again. Just like God had initially intended, when God created man.

the commandments of God in your heart, regeneración, nacido de nuevo

Cada persona, who is born on this earth is born a sinner. But the good news is, that every person doesn’t have to remain a sinner.

It is possible for every person, to become this new creation. The only requirement is, that a person must lay down his or her old life as the old creation aka the sinner.

When a person doesn’t see his or her sinful nature (comportamiento) and its sins, or when a person is not willing to give up his or her life, then it will be impossible for a person to become una nueva creación.

The person can apply all the Scriptures and promises from the Bible to his or her life, but there will not be a renewal.

The person shall remain carnal and be separated from God and shall not be able to see the Kingdom of God, ni entrar en el Reino de Dios. The person shall be carnal and shall walk after the flesh in the Kingdom of darkness.

If you really want to become a new creation, you must lay down your present life and become born again in Christ by water and Spirit. Only through the process of regeneration, you will enter and will see the Kingdom of God (Leer también ‘What does it mean to be born again?')

¿Cuáles son los 5 componentes esenciales de la regeneración?

Hay 5 componentes esenciales de la regeneración:

Let’s look at the 5 essential components of regeneration one by one:

1. Fe

It is impossible to please God without faith (hebreo 11:6) y Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ is born of God (1 John 5:1)

keys of authority in Jesus Christ

The first essential component of regeneration is faith. Faith is the beginning, middle, and end of regeneration. The process of regeneration begins with having faith in Jesus Christ, el Hijo del Dios vivo, and by believing that Jesus came to this earth and became completamente humano, and took all the sins and iniquities of humanity upon Himself(Leer también: ‘Was Jesus fully Human?')

Jesus died at the cross, and because Jesus carried all sins and all the iniquities of man, Jesus descended to Hades (infierno).

Jesus was in Hades for three days and conquered death and took the keys of hell and death.

After three days Jesus was raised from the dead as a Conqueror. He legally took back the authority (las llaves), that was first given to Adam. Por su sangre, He reconciled man back to God.

Todos, quien cree en el, and in His work, shall be reconciled with God and shall receive eternal life.

It is believing, that you are justified (made righteous) by the redemptive work of Jesus Christ.

2. Cleansing

“Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, por el lavado de la regeneración, and renewing of the Holy Ghost” (Tito 3:5)

¿No lo sabéis?, que muchos de nosotros que fuimos bautizados en Jesucristo fuimos bautizados en su muerte? Por eso somos sepultados juntamente con él para muerte por el bautismo.: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, Así también nosotros debemos caminar en novedad de vida. (romanos 6:3-4)

The second step of the process of regeneration is that you shall be cleansed. Through the water baptism, you shall lay down your old life.

We might also call ‘the cleansing’, the dying of the flesh(the death of your life as a sinner). Because that’s what really happens through water baptism, you are baptized into the death of Jesus Christ.

You will be cleansed from all your iniquities and sins. You will down your old life, and die as a sinner in the baptistery.

3. Resurrection

Entonces os rociaré con agua limpia, y seréis limpios:de toda tu inmundicia, y de todos tus ídolos, ¿Te limpiaré?. También os daré un corazón nuevo., y un espíritu nuevo pondré dentro de ti:y quitaré de vuestra carne el corazón de piedra, y te daré un corazón de carne. Y pondré mi espíritu dentro de ti, y os haré andar en mis estatutos, y guardaréis mis juicios, y hazlos (Ezequiel 36:25-27)

For in that he died, he died unto sin once: but in that he liveth, he liveth unto God. Likewise reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord (romanos 6:10-11).

“And you, estando muertos en vuestros pecados y en la incircuncisión de vuestra carne, hath he quickened together with him, having forgiven you all trespasses” (colosenses 2:13) 

You died as a sinner, now it’s time for the resurrection. The third step of the process of regeneration is the baptism with the Holy Spirit. A través del bautismo con el Espíritu Santo, tu espíritu resucitará de entre los muertos (the spirit of man died from the moment that Adam sinned). Your spirit shall become alive, and the Holy Spirit shall dwell in you.

Jesús fue hecho pecado

En Jesucristo, you’ve not only died as a sinner, but you are also resurrected in Him, by the power of the Holy Spirit. Now you’ve become righteous and holy. Not by your works, but by His work.

God has taken your heart of stone and has given you a new heart of flesh (a new life), and a new spirit. His Holy Spirit lives inside of you. From now on, He shall be your Helper and your Comforter.

All you have to do, is to listen to Him, and obey Him. Because if you don’t listen to Him, and keep walking according to your own will, making your own rules, instead of walking according to His will and keeping His commandments, eventually He shall leave you.

You have been given the Holy Spirit, God’s nature lives inside of you. You don’t need any written laws ya no, to live according to God’s will. Because His law is written upon your new heart.

When you obey His Spirit and walk after the Spirit, then you shall walk in His statutes, guardando sus mandamientos, y you shall fulfill His law. You shall no longer walk according to your own selfish will, but you shall walk according to His will.

4. Realizing that you are a new creation

“Therefore if anyone who is in Christ is a new creation, for the old life has passed away, and a new life has come” (2 corintios 5:17)

After the death and resurrection, you have become a new creation in Jesus Christ. The old life has passed away, and a new life has come. It’s important to know and to realize, that you are a new creation (Leer también: 'el octavo dia, the day of the new creation’)

el pasado, new creation old things are passed away

This new creature is a new creation of God. There is no other way to enter the Kingdom of God, than by becoming this new creation.

Jesus told Nicodemus, that he could only enter the Kingdom of Heaven by being born again by water and by the Spirit.

The Kingdom of God is a spiritual Kingdom, and there is no other way to enter than by becoming born again by water and by the Spirit.

Cuando Adán pecó, su espíritu murió. Because of that he, and his seed, couldn’t enter God’s Kingdom anymore.

Jesus came and restored fallen man. He reconciled man back to God. Only through faith in Him, it is possible to become born again in the spirit, by the power of the Holy Spirit. When this Holy Seed, El espíritu santo, comes inside of you, your spirit shall come alive (Leer también: ‘¿Qué clase de paz trajo Jesús a la tierra??‘ y ‘La paz que Jesús restauró entre el hombre caído y Dios’).

5. The renewal; ponte el hombre nuevo

“That you put off concerning the former conversation the old man, que se corrompe según las concupiscencias engañosas; Y renuevate en el espíritu de tu mente.; And that you put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness “(Efesios 4:22-24)

Be not conformed to this world: pero transformaos por la renovación de vuestra mente, para que podáis probar qué es ese bien, y aceptable, y perfecto, voluntad de Dios (romanos 12:2)

Mortificad, pues, vuestros miembros que están sobre la tierra.; fornicación, impureza, afecto desmesurado, concupiscencia malvada, y la codicia, que es idolatría: Por qué cosas “la ira de Dios viene sobre los hijos de desobediencia”: En el cual también caminasteis algún tiempo, cuando vivisteis en ellos. Pero ahora también vosotros desechad todas estas; enojo, ira, malicia, blasfemia, comunicación sucia fuera de tu boca. No mientan el uno al otro, viendo que habéis despojado al viejo con sus obras; Y me he puesto el hombre nuevo, que se renueva en conocimiento a imagen de aquel que lo creó (colosenses 3:5-10)

necesidad de un nuevo nacimiento

Por fe, you’ve died in Jesus Christ, and are resurrected in Him. In the spiritual world, te has convertido en una nueva creación (por fe, bautismo en agua, bautismo con el espiritu santo), un hijo de dios, now it’s time to transform the spiritual into the natural realm. Therefore it is time to put the Word into action.

It is time to dejar de lado al viejo y ponte el hombre nuevo and walk as the new creation.

It is time to renueva tu mente with the Word of God and become a doer of the Word. By renewing your mind, y convirtiéndonos en hacedores de la Palabra, you shall walk as the new creation (Leer también: ‘Los oyentes versus los hacedores').

Without the renewal, you shall remain el anciano; la vieja creación. You shall keep walking as the old creation; as a sinner. You shall not walk as a son of God, in the legacy Jesus gave you, but you shall walk as a hijo del diablo.

Your life shall remain the same. You shall stay carnal and keep walking after the flesh, instead of being spiritual and walking after the Spirit. That’s why it is essential, that the renewal takes place, and that you ponte el hombre nuevo.

El 5 componentes esenciales de la regeneración

Estos 5 essential components of regeneration should be part of every Christian’s life. If you are really born again, then these 5 essential components of regeneration are part of your life. Por lo tanto, you could ask yourself the following question: “Do I have all these 5 components of regeneration or not?"

If your answer is yes, then you are on your way to growing up in the image of Jesus, and receiving eternal life.
But if your answer is no, or when you doubt. Then it’s not too late De repente and commit your life again to Jesus Christ. If you really want to you can start today, so what are you waiting for?

“Se la sal de la tierra”

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